I have just this moment boiled my pot of potatoes dry..Oh Shit ! Dinner.lol
This just reminded me of someone saying at a meeting that today I suffer with high class problems.
How TRUE is that. My higher power has never let me down. We have been pennyless and poor. We have lost much along the way. We have both been to insanity and back.
Yes we have been looked after and guided well. Today I have not had a drink. Today I am not living the life of insanity. Today I have a roof over my head and a bed. Today my family and friends care about my well being.
For all the above I am greatful for my higher power in my life and for everything I recieve from AA.
Gratitude = Happiness, you can't have one without the other, and it helps a lot to have an HP to be grateful to. My biggest "problems" these days, are unmet expectations over time. Here's another math equation Expectations divided by time equals resentment (and/ or stress).
Thanks. Funny how you constantly hear the things you needed to hear at just the right moment in this program. That's just chucked a lot of stuff that was niggling away at me into perspective and put a spring back into my step.