Amen, Jerry. The road we traveled might have been blocked by every detour imaginable, but we did reach our destination, didn't we? It might have seemed like an eternity to us, but were here now and that's what matters most of all. So make the most of every opportunity and never stop believing in miracles. I certainly won't, and either should you.
~God Bless~
-- Edited by Mr_David on Sunday 26th of February 2012 06:46:56 PM
The very first promise I heard and which came true for me didn't present itself in an AA meeting. I got here thru the back door...the one that is between Al-Anon and AA. I don't question that because I was done and God wasn't, as I learned later on. The very first promise which I so needed to hear was "If you keep and open mind, you will find help". That was as much as I could do at the time because I was done, toast from a lifetime of alcoholism from birth and almost every relationship with family and others I was involved in from then on. I didn't even see my own addiction because my then spouses addiction was soooo perverse. I could drink forever; she could not without our house falling off of it's foundation. I blamed her terribly and constantly and she kept wanting to drink like I did. Glad we both stopped.
I learned in pieces when I got the second part of the first step first. That is how it came to me. My life was unmanagable because of her and I wasn't powerless over alcohol and then somewhere out there was an unseen HP who was putting a program together for me and only asked that I keep and open mind. It wasn't easy with the ego and resentments I had then and it was different than what I was doing so the best I could do for anyone and also for myself was to sit and listen when I could and over time I learned I was becoming the student and the rest of the people in both AA and Al-Anon at that time were the teacher. How blessed to be in these classrooms for the days I have been allowed. To be here and in the rooms of recovery locally and where ever I am at is the real evidence that 1. I am loved unconditionally by a Power Greater than myself and thousands of recovering alcoholics that freely give me the maps they used to gain and maintain their sobriety. What else is it but a blessing? and 2. by passing it on I get to proof and renewed hope that this program does work where nothing else has. I know there are heads nodding as mine does in the meetings when another member expresses deep gratitude and we need not convince any other member that there truely is a Power Greater than alcohol or ego and pride who wants us and needs us sober.
The membership is my else could I have ever come by this miracle?
Mahalo David...I like that picture and like also the word eternity as it implies gratitude and giving back on my part. I truthfully don't know if I have reach the final destination as I have come presently to realize that as long as God is in control and has use of the recovering alcoholic and their willingness to trudge that there will alway be another destination to arrive at, be supportive in and then move on. I believe that AA is the ONLY meaningful and certain force which can standup against the disease of alcoholism. Believing that, like yourself and others here I will be available to listen, learn, practice and give away. Your support and the support of these others is an HP asset.
Yes Jerry Thank you for a wonderful message. I t was also a real revelation for me as I viewed the 2nd part of our original admission ,acceptance ,of utter defeat ,awarenenss of powerlessness (all over me) but seeing the 'outward ' unmanageability was then and even at times now(when Im in a spiritual funk) pretty easy to see.The true blessing is that "inward" unmanageability ,the depression,self degradation,the self centered ,self promoting ,mean streak and apathy toward all other things but myself are all remedied by a "patient waiting period" that thru years of practice I am able to no longer get hooked in...oh yes, I still may drift for a minute,but thru God's(of my understanding)capturing of my life I get out very quickly.I may still want to "kick the dog'(manner of speech) we dont have a dog :) but I can easily reach a spiritual principle.3rd/7th/10th etc ,and move from the inward.The outward may take a little more work ,but thru practice,the ability to remain teachable,and also "learning to listen" very difficult for this hard head,I move out of the dark and head toward the light easier as time goes by.I am never there,but definitely on a journey ,as more is always revealed...thanks for the inside session,,,I needed that.
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.