Again everyone was very welcoming! One guy tried to invite me to the big table (I was sitting on the out skirts of the room) I told him maybe next week. lol. One of the ladies came and sat with me and asked me if I had the big book, I told her I didn't so she went and got one for me and told me that her and another want to buy it for me. I thought thay was very nice! Another lady introduced herself and welcomed me then later came and grabbed my hand and asked me to sit at the table. I did, she sat me next to the lady that bought the book for me. I think she is like one of the major ones on the council. They started with going around the table and doing the introductions, I made it through it! YEAH!!! All the ladies passed around a paper with there names and numbers and gave it to me at the end. Felt really good! After the meeting, a man came to welcome me and asked me when I had my last drink, I told him last night and he said "why didn't you get your 24 hour pendant"? I told him because it hasn't been 24 hours, only 16 hours! lol. So far so good today! Of course it's Valentines day and I would like to have a toast with my hubby but I'm not gonna do it!!!
Anyway, just thought I'd share! I hope everyone is well and has a happy Valentine's Day!!! Thanks for being here and listening!
If you don't get your mind straightened out you will never get your life straightened out!
Good for you. the AA program can offer really good things if you stick to it and work it properly. Learn as much as you can, be careful, and avoid the first drink.
Melissa, you did awesome! Wait until you get to know people; your really gonna love the meetings! I am so proud of you..I remember how scary that first meeting was; I refused to sit at the "big table" until I was about two weeks in! So happy you have a big book; I was told to read that when I normally would have been drinking. Good stuff! Hope your valentines day was great-really good chocolate around valentines! BIG Hugs, Dolly