Lin is right, you need to be willing to work the steps, and do whatever else it takes to stay sober. Soberity needs to be #1 priority above all else. You need to get connected on a local level and active in a group. This is what a sponsor would tell you.
Of course, most all of us here will be willing to help you in support of the above.
Hope this helps, keep coming back.
"There ain't no Coupe DeVille hiding in the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box."
Tipsy you ARE the strange ex-drunk (at least a part time one). The folks at the meetings are just like you, more or less. Former "life of the party" smart assed know it alls, and we're quite a bit smarter sans alcohol. . Some of us still hold on to these traits lol. My point is that these are the same people that you enjoyed drinking with and the fellowship/friendship happen quite naturally in the program. Instead of being lonely this week you could've had some "out with the guys" opportunities. I know it's winter up there in Can-a-duh but you could've done some all night ice-fishing, snow shoeing, curling, or some cannuck things like that eh? Heck you could get into a singing group that likes traditional songs.
-- Edited by StPeteDean on Wednesday 11th of January 2012 05:38:40 AM
Lol @ Dean.. Tipsy, go to meetings, get a real life in person sponsor, and help other alcoholics recover from this terrible spiritual malady we aquire and your life will change beyond your wildest dreams.
"Never make someone a priority who makes you an option"
I'll sponsor you tips... first things first... get your butt into a meeting within 48 hours, and then email me, and we'll go from there. I can't sponsor any one who isn't willing to take the firm suggestions I put out there. So, the first one is simply a test drive of your willingness to change... get to a meeting, and then email me. Don't if you won't.
What's a temporary sponsor? Is that for temporary sobriety? It is suggested that you get yourself a real sponsor with whom you can have face to face interaction once per week and phone regularly.
I was terrified to make the approach when I first asked someone to sponsor me. I get it. But Tip, the opposite of fear is love. Love yourself enough to not go at this thing in "half measures." Set your fear aside and just walk up to that person in the meeting who speaks directly to your heart. If the person has what you want in their recovery, in their attitude, and in their life in general, just ask! If the person says no, they are too busy or whatever, consider it good practice and try again with the next person who sparks you. Rejection will not kill you!
It is also helpful to read the AA pamphlet on can get it at your nearest AA meeting when you go today. You were going to go to a meeting today, right?
Tipsy, glad you made it back here. My experience is, half measures availed me more of the same insanity. For me I needed face to face or verbal dialog with someone who's walked the path your starting down. I have no experience in the new age of Skpe, texting etc..... therefore, I have nothing to offer in the area.
John has reached out to get things rolling. Might be a step in the right direction. Trying anything different would be a start at changing.