At a meeting tnight, instead of a typical meeting, we listened to a tape made of Bill W. speaking at the one year anniversary of a new group. However, just before leaving for the meeting he recieved a telegram from Bob. Jr.
"Uncle Bill. Dad passed peacefully in his sleep last night." Referring to Dr. Bob
His one-hour talk was about how We started. How four steps became twelve. How We got our name. Bill W. describing his spiritual awakening, the process of writing "How It Works" and that Dr. Bob often broke the program down into three words; Love and Serve. And Dr. Bob's last words to Bill W. as he gave him a hat of Dr. Bob's that Bill had wanted for 15 years.
"Keep It Simple"
I was moved, inspired, humbled and renewed. Bill W. described in detail how he made the transition from scientifically agnostic to spiritually faithful. These guys weren't saints, saviors or even better than us. They found that to stay sober they had to help other drunks and when they ran out of money to fund their "missionary" work within The Oxford Group (non-denominational fundamentalist students of the early Christians) they wrote Alcoholics Anonymous the book. Not just to spread the word...but to make money to fund their own sobriety. The title came from a guy who kept coming to meetings drunk and called everyone Anonymous Alcoholics.
I am humbled and moved by their dedication to Us all, through their dedication to themselves.