can u make me understand this self-centeredness as encountered in alcoholics,common symptoms and what is the BB perespective on this. how it differs from selfishness?
I am Alanon. To me, self centerness comes from lack of a higher power. We (including the Alanoners) think that the world revolves around us until we become in touch with a HP. My AHsober has been become nearly impossible to deal because of this.
Hello Zanga-prem, I can't make you understand anything, sorry. I can express to you how I understand it, thoiugh, and that may help you...or it may not.
SelfISH seems to me to be the desire to reach out and influence that which is not mine to influence i.e.; everything except me. To PLAY AT being a god.
Self CENTERED seems to me to be the obsession that if only others Should, Could, and Would do what I think that they NEED to do, I will be happy and free from resentment. To have others REGARD ME as a god.
In the Big Book of AA, the authors do an outstanding job of describing these phenom at length on pages 60 through 63 (4th ed.)
IMO (in my opinion) selfishness is putting my wants before everything else. with self-centeredness being more arrogant... like collecting as many pleasures as possible, whenever i please, however i please, without caring if it hurts others. when i was drinking i was very selfish and self centered. alcohol was my fuel of choice and it took me to some very unhealthy depths. my God intervened and today i am joyous and free for over 2 and half years, now. jj/sheila