Just hit the 27 year mark of continuous sobriety several days ago. Very grateful for my God and the Program and people of AA for showing me the road to recovery.
I really appreciate everyone here and their contributions, it's great to jump on line and see familiar avitars and feel connected.
The promises do come true and so much more! Just trying to keep the "miracle in progress" in my life, and behold the joy of watching the others happen before my eyes.
"There ain't no Coupe DeVille hiding in the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box."
Rob your Avatar is one that reveals Happy, Joyous and Free so the days you've worked at it have been good days and I say congradulations and have another day. 27 years is a long period of time. I'd like to hear more about how you strung it all together.
congratulations Rob truly a blessing as you continue to share your ESH WITH OTHERS,A DAY AT A TIME.tHANK 'YOU" FOR BEING HERE..Have a blessed and productive day!!
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Thank you for your sobreity, experience and example. I love to see the long timers at conventions when the countdown starts and hear the roars of congratulations from the floor, they're nearly as loud as the roar for the newcomer at their first convention just days or even hours sober. I was at the Blue bonnets in dumfries last weekend where they do the count UP. Takes my breath away to see so many at 20, 21,22,23,24 etc years right up to the still the longest timer at (I think) 42 years (I've slept since), God Bless him. Plus of course, it being a scottish convention, it's called a gathering, people come from all over the place, the parties after the meetings go on into the wee small hours and at each meeting the top table is piped in by Men in Kilts! The quality of the top table shares is stunning, all arranged on teh day and NO CIRCUIT SPEAKERS! Anyway, Rob84, back to you, congratulations!
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
Congratulations in 27years 1Day@aTime, Rob! That feels Amazing to me!!!! Thank you for being here & sharing your recovery with us. I'm in admiration :) God bless you, Danielle x
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!