If we are seriously alcoholic, there is no middle of the road for us. Either we accept spiritual help or we die from the disease of alcoholism. Today we have watered down that truth so much, that most real alcoholics are dying because they have done everything else except this. All of those whom I have sponsored over the years, have remained sober, because I am not ambiguous with them. I tell them the truth about alcoholism. It's a serious illness.
Truer words have never been spoken. The trick is to get obsessed about recovery. I think that's what was meant by "Our primary purpose is to stay sober..."
Long ago my sponsor brought up the topic of "half measures" at a meeting. Was a pretty interesting discussion. What is a half measure, and what have you tried?
I look at it as wading into the program up to my knees and going no further. But it could also apply to other things we've done to try and stay sober, or control our drinking. I also read a lot of self help books when I was drinking - not to stop drinking but beating around the bush trying to figure out what was wrong with me and fix it.
I never identified alcohol as being my problem, because whatever was wrong with me was wrong before I ever took my first drink. And that's true, but fixing my problems starts with putting the plug in the jug, it doesn't end there.