Yes indeedy...workaday is OK, I can bury myself in work, the day has structure and clear purpose, but there's only so many times I can mow the lawn, wash the car, trim the hedge and the kitchen is sparkling already!
Obviously I need structure and purpose for the weekend, to keep me away from the crippling ennui, pointless introspection and yes, extended periods of self pity.........poor me, poor me, pour me another drink as the saying goes...........not good for a social're having another drink, so shall I!!!!!!!!!!!
No of course I'm not drinking, just wanted to get a few witticisms in there.
So the coming weekend is busy, a convention on Saturday, Intergroup Sunday, back to old clothes and porridge on Monday for just one more week, then the big trip round Scotland for 8 nights, 9 days........have I bitten off more than i can chew??? Will I be so mean as to post pictures of Sea Eagles to the STBXW????probably not, that would be spiteful......... feeling anxious about saturday, as STBXW may be at convention as part of the Sisterhood of Perpetual Vengeance (Alanon) and currently Ex OW may also be there............sparks may fly, Billy may run away.............
STBXW is playing funny games at the mo, she's refuted a 5 year separation divorce, offered a divorce on my adultery with un named co-respondent, now her solicitor is asking for the name of the un named co...........I've signed the confession, detailing date and venue but refuse to name the un named, worst case is the divorce will fail, well heel I've waited 5 odd years I can wait a bit longer to 15th March 2016!..........felt a bit disturbed to sign something which starts, I, william xxxxxx, of (address) confess that I did commit adultery on (date) at (address), admitting, yes that's OK, accetping, agreeing, all OK but Confessing.............and now I'm getting people calling me to say she's disposing of funiture and do I mind, well hell no I don't want it, but why do I need to know......just so long as it's not my Guzzi, my fishing tackle, my tools, my hifi or my coffee service......all of which i've lived without for 5 odd years so I don't NEED them, just want them.........
Nobody ever said life would be easy, life isn't perfect, it's life. If it was perfect it'd be called perfect wouldn't it.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
I had a busy weekend too, with lots of chores to catch up on. Weekends are blessings even though their jammed packed with all kinds of activities. I have the luxury to enjoy the weekend these days (safe and sober) and I have AA, this forum and Almighty God to thank for that.
I hope your other matter gets resolved quickly and does so without any prolonged misery. Breaking up is hard to do, even though it "can" be a blessing in disguise. Bill, I'll pray for your continued sobriety, your fair share of the divorce settlement and for a more prosperous future -one day at a time.