The main sharer was so powerful, lot's of food for thought. I've never felt so uncomfortable in my life in a meeting.
I guess I shoulda known what was coming when he started by producing his own well worn copy of the BB and started quoting not just chapter and verse but page number too.
This guy holds fast to the first 164 pages, insists that you need to get to a position where the big book, a higher power and the programme will be enough to sustain you when you're lost in the congo.
Quote of the night. All you need is in the Big Book. Read that and work it first, then you can go to the rest of the literature as bedtime reading!
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
We're glad the meeting went well and wish you many more wonderful but insightful meetings -one day at a time. Thanks...for reminding me what can lie ahead for any alcoholic if they choose to ignore the obvious -once again.
The 12 and 12 discusses getting to a point with your HP that is so strong that you can withstand all types of stress. The examples were used with WW II veterans who remarkably stayed sober due to having been in AA.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!