What has surprised you most about recovery?
After 20 months I am surprised how well I feel emotionally. Gone are the daily depression and feeling sluggish. My mind is sharp and I want to do things. I did not realize that it was possible to feel this much alive.
That I am still here, that I am doing so well, and that I truly want to keep on keepin' on. That's a lot of I, I, I, but "I" am am real OK with that! :)
How totally normal life seems without alcohol. It was so indispensable before, but now it's not even on the radar.
That. Also how I just don't get upset about things anymore. Little dramas that would have me ranting and raving about how life was so bloody unfair are just a shrug of the shoulders now. I really like that bit.
Still qratefull to wake up without a hanqover. It's also a wonder to wake up, walk outside and be in moment, without immediately panickinq about what I did last not, forqet to do, or othere impendinq doom/self centered fears.
Beinq in the moment also brinqs with it presence of mind, I'm aware of what's qoinq on around me and what I'm supposed to be doinq (most of the time) which brinqs serenity, and a feelinq of beinq at the riqht place at the riqht time, which brinqs more qratitude.