I don't spend all my effort worrying about the things I cannot change while ignoring the things I can change, and I am constantly seeking the wisdom to know the difference.
Difficult or impossible to manage, as:
Not submitting to discipline; unruly: an unmanageable child.
Difficult to keep under control or within limits: unmanageable traffic congestion.
Awkward; unwieldy: unmanageable bundles.
The second part of the first step reads "that our lives had become unmanagable", it does not say "that our lives were always unmanagable" or "that our lives will never be managable". Nope, it says "had become" which means that they can become managable again. How? By using the steps to bring about a change in our life and then by practicing these principles in all our affairs to the best of our ability.
i can say, my life is managable today (except when it's not and even then it's 100% more managable than it was ) I am not running from fire to fire trying to keep them under control by pouring alcohol on them. When I am at my best, I don't start fires anymore and when I am not, I don't pour a flammable liquid on them in hopes that they will go away.
Have I become a saint? Am I perfect? Certainly not. Never was, never will be, and that's not the point. The point is that I am willing to try, and it is the trying that makes all the difference.
Have I become a saint? Am I perfect? Certainly not. Never was, never will be, and that's not the point. The point is that I am willing to try, and it is the trying that makes all the difference.
None of us ever will, Saints are saints and we are only mortal. If a God exists, then only He / She is perfect, and it's so true that trying makes the difference!
Best wishes to you.
"Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989"