The man that saved my life would have been 24 years sober this year, but instead he celebrates 1 year. This man has such a compassion for souls. He would go on a 12 step call and win the newcomer over, and yet his own life was not in order. He has always been a wonderful friend to me, and he had the humility to hand me over to someone else, who took me through this journey of recovery. I discovered that being nice and not working the program is fatal. The AA fellowship is very good, but not enough for long term recovery. It is working the steps on a daily basis that brings about permanent recovery. For me it's a way of life and a lifetime journey. It has to be or else I will surely perish.
Thank God he was able to come back--that year is just as awesome as the 24. We all know the odds of making it back are never real high, no matter how much previous sobriety we might have had. A day at a time, it can never be other than a day at a time.
Thank you for this sir, it is an important message. It is a journey -- sometimes happy, sometimes sad. But this experience is what keeps us alive. It is sad that guilt and shame keep many from coming back, usually to bitter consequence. I am glad your friend made it back.