First ?? you got a sponsor you're working with? This step is the one where the honesty about yourself is going to really come is not a beat yourself up step, but it is important to be as thorough as you can.
I did my 4th step straight out of the big book...exactly as it is laid out there. When I was working on it, I went to lots of meetings and took long walks in between so that I didn't completely go insane while doing it, plus close contact with sponsor and God.
After completing it, try and do the 5th step as soon as possible so you don't carry all that crap around with you.
Hope it goes well for can always come to this board and ask questions or just vent or whatever, I have found many friends here who know exactly what I'm talking about.
Welcome Karisma, Cheri said it all. I hope you have a sponsor, have you read the fourth step chapter in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, that will help.
I'm glad you have found MIP, keep posting. Most of all don't drink today.