in first grade there was a girl i can't remember her name, i used to make her let me draw on her butt with magic markers. i stole barbies from my great aunts grandchildren around the age of 10 and when i got caught i told my mom it was an accident. i stole make up from the drugstore, i stole name brand jeans from a dept store. In high school I went after a boy that my girlf friend liked on purpose. i slept with my friend denise's fiance. i had many affairs during my frist marriage and 2 during my second. i worked in a dept store and once a guy that worked with me gave me 2 $100 bills that were stuck together and I kept one. i let friends steal from a grocery store i worked at. i lied about my bus driver in elementary school i said she was mean to me and she wasnt my mom called her to our house to talk, she apologized to me. i had an affari with a married man and told him i was pregnant. i wanted him to leave his wife and children for me.he gave me money for an abortion. i told a boyfriend once (when we broke up ) that i had a miscarriage and then we got back together. then when things went bad again i told him i was pregnant and he gave me money for an abortion. i thought he would marry me. i tried for over a year to really get pregnant. i cheated on almost everthing in high school to get good grades. i forged the principals name so i could graduate. i stole money from my mother. i lied to my best friend all the time about things that the truth would have been just fine. i told my sister once many years ago that i was in AA and it took another 8+ yrs to really go. i gossiped about an emplyer marlene once to anyone and everyone just to look cool or something stupid like that. i cheated on my time card at my present job more times than i can count. i made docotrs excuses on my computer for the days i was hungover and couldnt go to work and didnt have no more sick days.
i might add to this another time. i didnt see nothing like i just posted and i hpe no one minds it had to be done right now. this seems like a real nice forum. thought it would be ok.
thnks lynn
I had my 4th step ready, lost my sponsor, she started drinking again. I dont trust anyone else enough, so here is my 4th step hope no one minds.
You are not alone... we have all done things in the past. I give you a-lot of credit for being so honest.
Keep coming back...You'll be amazed how different your life can become. Like they say in the Big Book. We have to change "our playmates, and playgrounds".
AA has saved my life. This is my second attempt... My mind is open and clear.
Nancy Jo
Life is full of ups and downs
But the faces of love will
ease the pain and suffering
from:My Mother