ok..heres the deal...I am an alcoholic...not a drug addict..Never was into drugs, never was a pot smoker except on rare occasion...I have been sober for 16 years...
For some reason, while with a friend, I took a puff off her pot pipe....I am not seeing it as a relapse...I did not smoke again after that...But...it was a huge wakeup call, ....I am just that close to taking a drink...I have confessed it to my group because I wanted to be honest about it...but some think I need to re-establish. I see it as a wake up call, not a slip....
Do you think I need to re-establish my sobriety? Or get off my laurels and start working hard on my program so that I dont take that drink?
I cant answer for you if you should change your sobriety date. That decision is entirely up to you .. and God. Id be willing to bet that if you prayed about it, you would get an answer.
I would have to guess (and the only thing I can do is guess, cuz I havent done it) that if I smoked some pot ... was not working THE AA program, and knew I was very close to getting drunk that I would most definately be on my knee's asking for guidance with my nose in the book and the phone at my ear talking to my sponsor.
Hello ChaplaineF, and welcome to the board. You're sobriety date is a personal matter. What counts is what the man in the mirror says. Do you have a sponsor?
not having a sponsor is definitely a problem of mine. 9 years ago, I had a baby with my newcomer...lol...and since then I have not attended meetings. I know I am sober today by the grace of god. I have my arse in a seat at my group and intend to get a sponsor as soon as God puts her in front of me. I have blown the dust off my aa books, and am willing to do whatever it takes to get my peace back!! I feel like the insanity is starting to set in, and I know only God can fend it off, but I have to do my part...
I had a nazi attack me in the meeting because of my confession...But I know I dont want what he has!! I am so glad I was able to be honest about it...I know I would drink for sure if I tried to hide it!!
God Bless yall, and thank you for helping me with this...I havent gotten a phone list yet , but Im going to my second meeting for the day in just a little while..I will get it then...
Read your post again as if it were written by someone else and see how it fits for you, the before the middle and the end. I'd throw in hanging with user also and the fear stuff.
My early sponsor taught me to separate myself from all things alcohol which included a wife who was cross addicted...alcohol and drugs. I dabbled with her and you can't find the subject "dabbling" anywhere in my Big Book.
I'm in support of you doing the right thing. I was drug and alcohol free and sober thinking, feeling, acting and elevated spiritually 9 years before I attended recovery as an alcoholic. I was a member of recovery working the very same steps, traditions and concepts and a friend of Bills via his wife Lois. My intention was to be separate from the disease of alcoholism the disease I was born into. My sobriety date is when?
Keep coming back cause this works when your work it. ((((hugs))))
I agree that it's up to you what you call a slip versus a wake up call. I admire that you are able to listen to different opinions. I do know quite a few people that give up alcohol in favor of what I have heard termed "The marijuana maintenance plan." That is a real danger for me and it scares me because the people I know that have done that have all the same problems as active alcoholics minus the DUI's and blackouts. They don't grow and they don't live by spiritual principles....AND, most importantly, they stay ruled by character defects.
I think the crazy feeling you are having is character defects having grown back after you nipped them and worked on them in early sobriety. Compacency is our enemy. I would go through the steps again and work on your spiritual conditioning so that you wont be so confused and you will have the promises back again. You were baffled by a situation you should have instinctively known how to handle. I think you know why. The promises come from continuously working the steps.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
I was never much into smoking weed other than the couple of years that coincided with my early drinking. The people I hung around with smoked but I did it largely because they did - we smoked and drank, and I much preferred the drinking. When that crowd scattered after college, it was just me in the working world and I pretty much stuck to alcohol, with the occasional pot but at a party where someone else provided. I didn't care for the procurement process.
I actually did smoke weed once about 6 months *before* I came to AA and quit drinking so my MJ sobriety date is actually earlier than my alcohol sobriety date. Because I did indulge in pot smoking recreationally, and in conjunction with drinking, I'd consider smoking it to be a relapse... for me.
OTOH, a few months back I took vicodin for one day. It was prescribed... post surgery. I didn't like it, and it didn't really do much for the pain and after the first day I didn't need it anyway. Vicodin and narcotics were never my thing back in the day - if they had been, I'd be VERY reluctant to take them even prescribed, and in fact I was very reluctant to take it at all. My dr. gave me the script when I first turned up with a kidney stone, but I didn't fill it - the pain was manageable with aspirin and ibuprofin. When I had the procedure to smash & grab the stone, it kind of left some potholes in the urinformation superhighway if you get my drift, hence I used the Vicodin for one day... and it really didn't do much good. So I'm not counting that as a relapse, thank you
But... I have no business smoking weed, even if I was never "addicted" to it. For one thing it's illegal - and it would be pretty embarrassing for me to say "Well I'm sober 21 years but I just got a misdemeanor marijuana possession case...". And well, there's just no reason for me to do it, it's just a slippery as going to a wine tasting as fas as I'm concerned. My main recollection of smoking pot is that it made my throat burn like hell, and made me paranoid. The cure for both back then was beer. You can see where this goes.
IMHO, if I puffed a joint, I would see that as a relapse because I let my thinking get me all the way to putting an addictive substance - no matter how small the amount- into my body. I am learning that sobriety means picking up the phone before doing anything of the sort. If I took a half a valium, or a quarter of a percocet that didn't belong to me, or a couple of tiny grains of heroine, or one puff off a crack pipe, I would consider that I was sick enough to put ANY of that in my body without first picking up the phone, and had relapsed. Of course, this is just simply how I see it if it were me (and it has been in the past, and led to worse relapse when I did not own up to it and start back at Step 1 and Powerlessness). Honesty, Openmindedness, Willingness.
I would also be afraid that my disease would start telling me, "well, since it wasn't a relapse, I'll do it one more time...." Recovery is not about getting actually drunk or high. To me, it's about Powerlessness, which includes people places and things. If I picked up and drank a shot glass of beer, I must not have though I was powerless over alcohol. Same applies for other addictive drugs which are not prescribed to me. Just my opinion, take what you like and leave the rest.
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
IMHO, if I puffed a joint, I would see that as a relapse because I let my thinking get me all the way to putting an addictive substance - no matter how small the amount- into my body. I am learning that sobriety means picking up the phone before doing anything of the sort. If I took a half a valium, or a quarter of a percocet that didn't belong to me, or a couple of tiny grains of heroine, or one puff off a crack pipe, I would consider that I was sick enough to put ANY of that in my body without first picking up the phone, and had relapsed. Of course, this is just simply how I see it if it were me (and it has been in the past, and led to worse relapse when I did not own up to it and start back at Step 1 and Powerlessness). Honesty, Openmindedness, Willingness.
I would also be afraid that my disease would start telling me, "well, since it wasn't a relapse, I'll do it one more time...." Recovery is not about getting actually drunk or high. To me, it's about Powerlessness, which includes people places and things. If I picked up and drank a shot glass of beer, I must not have though I was powerless over alcohol. Same applies for other addictive drugs which are not prescribed to me. Just my opinion, take what you like and leave the rest.
I'm gonna have to go with Joni on this one. For me, it's not what I did but the reason I did it. The program says "to thine own self be true", so the choice is yours and yours alone. If it were me, I would go with my gut, which these days is basically my HP guiding me toward the right things to do. I feel this is one of the circumstances where sponsorship is very important. I'm glad I have one that's not afraid to call me on my shit and help me see what the truth is today.
Nothing ever truly dies. The universe wastes nothing. Everything is simply, transformed. :confuse:
Is a sobriety date really important? You didn't drink and you say you took one puff and learned from it and didn't continue. What you did, in my opinion, is nothing compared to the extreme abuse I see among members who smoke cigarettes incessantly and guzzle down coffee by the gallon and then speed talk about god. You are still sober if you say you are and talking about it at meetings serves no purpose but to expose yourself to hypocrites who have their own issues. This is ALCOHOLICs Anonymous. Heck Bill Wilson was famous for using mind altering drugs throughout his so-called sobriety, and we won't even talk about his cheating on his wife (repeatedly). Starting over from 16 years is setting yourself up for a serious relapse because you're going to think "what the heck, I blew it, so I may as well go all the way and enjoy it since I have to start over anyway". Don't listen to the sanctimonious jerks who probably have nothing else going for them other than the ticking clock of AA.
-- Edited by aaesr on Thursday 3rd of February 2011 03:10:35 PM