Ok I've seen mention of using search to find particular posts or specific information. Dean mentioned it to a newcomer in a new thread. I do not see any search options on the board. How do I do that? I can find my own posts and messages in my home spot, but not other stuff. Help?
Ok, just like at the mechanic's. As SOON as I hit send, I saw search on the mid bar. I suppose one can enter anything. I'll try it. I hope there's no special knack to it.
there's a lot of stuff and a lot of people who aren't around much or at all. I'm beginning to feel like I've been here too long. If jonijoini leaves again, I might go with her. lol
NO, Dean...... you are not allowed to do that, because if I do leave again, it will be sober and in prison, or sober and in the hospital. And sorry, you can't come to either with me. lol
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
I thought you'd laugh when I wrote this. I was just joking about leaving the board, not going out. You're llke the last regular, that was here when I joined. justtoni was inactive for awhile. Hey have ever heard from lani?