I know today that getting active means trying to live the suggested Steps of the Program to the best of my ability. It means striving for some degree of honesty, first with myself, then with others. It means activity directed inward, to enable me to see myself and my relationship with my Higher Power more clearly. As I get active, outside and inside myself, so shall I grow in the Program. Do I let others do all the work at meetings? Do I carry my share?
Today I Pray
May I realize that "letting go and letting God" does not mean that I do not have to put any effort into the Program. It is up to me to work the Twelve Steps, to learn what may be an entirely new thing with me - honesty. May I differentiate between activity for activity's sake - busy-work to keep me from thinking - and the thoughtful activity, which helps me to grow.
"Do I let other's do all the work at the meeting? Wow! Yes I do, reason being is i have become so comfortable with the ppl in my group that I want to hear them share. They don't cry, like I know I will or half the time my eyes want to pour when I hear a story that hits home. my mouth wants to open but I'm so afraid I will cry even though in my heart they don't care, they love me for me, and would do anything to ease my struggles..yet, I still sit quietly wanting to stand up and yell, I have so much to say...I'm not perfect, I need guidance!! Why do i let this fear run my heart, my mouth, my life? I have such a strong front and I am strong until i break, then I cry alone and talk to my higher power and no one else knows. It's sad but this is who I am. How do I go daily out into the world, to school, to one of my 3 jobs, enjoy my family daily. I am so very happy in my sobriety but I really don't give a great deal back other than showing up and talking before and after meetings. I think it's enough, but is it? Just had to get this of my chest. I am at peace and recovery daily from alcoholism. Thx for listening.
Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell the storm how big your God is!