It is a most comfortable feeling for us alcoholics to know there is a vast host of friends in AA standing by. We pray to God we will never need them for an emergency and, with our new-found faith, we don't think we ever will, but it helps a lot to know that they are available if needed. It gives you a feeling of security akin to catching the fourth ace.
right on my friend.Ijust got back from a meeting and realised the immense gift of real friendship based on something other than talking about the weather or last nights scoreboard.AA IS A PLACE WERE I CAN GROW BE WHO I REALLY AM FOR TODAY.God bless ...............................your friend Attilio
I don't "save" my AA friends for emergencies only, I rely on them daily to help me stay sober and do the right things. I can also say that they rely on me, and neither of us has been let down yet. But that's just me....
Nothing ever truly dies. The universe wastes nothing. Everything is simply, transformed. :confuse:
I don't "save" my AA friends for emergencies only, I rely on them daily to help me stay sober and do the right things. I can also say that they rely on me, and neither of us has been let down yet. But that's just me....
and me
They carried me when I couldn't carry myself, and I have been privilaged enough to do the same for many of them, and I talk to a sober alcoholic at least once a day, every day
it's not the change that's painful, it's the resistance to change that is painful
I don't "save" my AA friends for emergencies only, I rely on them daily to help me stay sober and do the right things. I can also say that they rely on me, and neither of us has been let down yet. But that's just me....
and me
They carried me when I couldn't carry myself, and I have been privilaged enough to do the same for many of them, and I talk to a sober alcoholic at least once a day, every day
As do I. It's a necessary thing for me, but so very worth it.
Nothing ever truly dies. The universe wastes nothing. Everything is simply, transformed. :confuse: