I am on my 6th day of not drinking. The first step for me was easy to admit that I am an alcoholic and that my life is completely unmanageable. I think I don't have much of a problem with step 2. I know that there is a power greater than myself and that is god.
Step 3.... Wow... I have had this internal argument with myself. Taking that step to trust in God again. I have no idea on how to even do that. I have been angry with god for so long I don't know how to forgive him and believe in the fact that he will catch me if I fall. Someone sent me a scripture yesterday Revelations 3:8. This makes absolute sense but how do I go through the door that he has opened for me.
I am so confused... All I know 100% is that I don't want to drink anymore. I believe accepting and trusting god again is my gateway to recovery. I just feel so alone.
I have been going to meetins. This is my 6th day sober and I have been to 4 meetings and I plan on going back tonight. Thank you for listening (reading).
Hi Jenna, Thanks for sharing with your post. I am in a very similar stage of my recovery, with only 33 days of sobriety i am like at a standstill with step 3. I know I believe in a higher power, have been trying to surrender daily, I think my insanity part of the disease is having a tug of war battle and I hope and pray my higher power wins. Hang in there and congrats on your sixth day.
-- Edited by daytonamarc on Wednesday 15th of September 2010 11:45:24 AM
And welcome to the board. Sounds like you're doing well going to about a meeting a day. That's important along with building a sober network of folks that you meet in meetings including finding a temporary sponsor, just ask at any meeting. Keep coming back.
Welcome Jenna..... easy does it. You cant change your thinking in 6 days. Just keep going to meetings and give yourself a break. Recovery .... takes time and so does change. This is not a race to see how fast you can go thru the steps. Its a whole new way of life that takes time. A new normal. Just keep at it one day at a time and all of a sudden , slowly you will have made great gains. We need to keep working the program because what you hear today might take on a whole new meaning down the road as you recover. Glad to see you on the board! :)
Ok...you really should be working steps 1 through 3 primarily throughout your first year. They are your foundation and rushing them is not good for you. Are you doing this with a sponsor? If not then you are doing yourself no favor. I already caught that you are not really ready for step 3 because step 2 includes believing that your higher power will restore you to sanity. From what you wrote, you have not come to believe in your higher power enough to return you to sanity. You believe in a higher power, but need to work more on defining that relationship and how it can help you before turning your will and life over to the care of that higher power/God.
Also, I might add that in step 3 most people seem to get confused about turning their will and their life over to the CARE OF God. This does not mean that you sit back and trust God to do everything. God is not going to finish your college degree, find you a spouse, clean up all your messes. You have to do the work and God is there to help you just figure out the next right thing to do for today. Very simple. Step 3 involves trusting the process that, as long as you do the work and have faith, God will carry you and it will all turn out how it is supposed to. You might want to investigate how much you don't trust God due to God not saving you from your own willfull screw ups versus how much God was actually with you when you made better choices in your past. Good luck,
P.S. I thought I was going to master the steps by day 6 also...It's okay to let this stuff sink in. You are doing something great each day you stay sober. Don't overcomplicate the process. Excellent job on 6 days!!!
-- Edited by pinkchip on Wednesday 15th of September 2010 01:56:58 PM
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Thank you, for all of your advice and support. To tell you the truth Mark.... I have no idea how to find a sponsor.... Or how to get one..... I have been around this program most of my life because both of my parents are recovering alcoholics...
I am realizing how little I know of the program now that I am trying to work it....
I would suggest getting a sponsor who has worked the steps out of the Book of Alcoholics Anonymous with a sponsor who had worked the steps and following their instruction exactly, which usually consists of reading through the book and working the step as you come to it, this has worked for tens of millions of Alcoholics to achieve permanent and lifelong sobriety all over the world.
I got a sponsor by attending meetings and listening for someone of the same sex that "has what you want" most notably long term sobriety and emotional stability, one who speaks from experience and doesn't dispense advice, instead of saying "you should" says "I did"
In the Book titled "Alcoholics Anonymous" there is contained "The Program" of Alcoholics Anonymous, in which it tells precisely how we recovered from Alcoholism, the steps as written out on the wall are nice to look at but are to be viewed almost like "Chapters", step one is reached on page 30 after reading the first portion of the book including the prefixes, step 2 is contained in we agnostics, step 3 is pages 60-63 and so on
Anything else is working someone's else's interpretation of the program, which may work for them, but may get you drunk, If I told you to work "my program" the way "I did it" as opposed to "The Program" as it is laid out in the book I would be doing you an incredible disservice and quite possibly endangering your life, and most certainly be endangering your sobriety out of well meaning ignorance and just not enough experience.
-- Edited by LinBaba on Wednesday 15th of September 2010 05:16:09 PM
it's not the change that's painful, it's the resistance to change that is painful
OK, crap. I wrote a great response to the last poster and then looked at the first post. My Bad, now let me address the first post:
My Advice: Go to a meeting, and say: "I need a sponsor that can help me with my third step"There will probably be somebody who can help, maybe as a temporary sponsor, maybe permanant. If you don't get someone to help tonight, PM, and I'll hook you up a guy who's great at this online.
RESPONSE TO POSTER (don't have option of color or underline, sorry for the caps)
1.[a sponsor that]...doesn't dispense advice, instead of saying "you should" says "I did"
2.If I told you to work "my program" the way "I did it" as opposed to "The Program" as it is laid out in the book I would be doing you an incredible disservice
What I'm reading here is two opposing points: Maybe this will reconcile them: Sponsors are to help you work the steps of AA as suggested by the program of AA, which is contained in the first 164 pages of the book "Alcoholics Anonymous".
John Bradshaw, green tea, Tony Robbins, "90 meetings in 90 days", "Meeting Makers Make It!", "don't make any changes in the first year", etc are not AA.
Doesn't mean they are good, bad or indifferent, but what they are NOT is AA. (Oddly enough hydrotherapy, sweets, and mild excercise are part of the AA program)
If you'd like to get sober, AA's got a program for that. Everything else? Your milage may vary.
steps as written out on the wall are nice to look at but are to be viewed almost like "Chapters"
Er, no. They really are the steps to take. The book, and all other liturature is to support HOW to do the steps. So is a sponsor. And meetings.
Rainspa wrote:steps as written out on the wall are nice to look at but are to be viewed almost like "Chapters"
Er, no. They really are the steps to take. The book, and all other liturature is to support HOW to do the steps. So is a sponsor. And meetings.
Maybe I wasn't clear
In AA we work on the principle of sharing our "Experience, Strength, and Hope" which is we say, "this is what I did" not "this is what you should do", it is the very foundation of AA and one of the main reasons AA works, see step 12, one drunk talking to another, one drunk saying "this is what happened, this is what I did" not one drunk giving advice or telling another drunk what to do, The book, fellowship and program are based on sharing "precisely how we have recovered"
The OP is trying to work the steps as they are written on the wall
SO, I was explaining the steps are IN the Book, for example
we go to AA to Quit drinking
so let's pretend for a moment when we walk in there is a sign on the wall
"Don't Drink"
makes sense, right? Problem solved
"Don't Drink"
If that's all there was to it, we could turn around and go home, mission accomplished, all I have to do is "don't drink"
well it has turned out to not be that simple for many of us
well in AA we learned how to do that and be comfortable in our own skin
by working the steps
let's for example take the third and fourth steps, this is a random example
On the wall it says "We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand Him"
it says in the middle of page 60:
"Being convinced we were at step three, which is we decided to turn our will and our life over to God as we understood him. Just what do we mean by that and just what do we do?"
It then explains precisely what we mean by that and precisely what we do, It explains selfishness and self-centeredness is the root of all our problems, not drinking, and that we use God to push out that selfishness, ending with "This was only a beginning, though if honestly and humbly made, an effect, sometimes a very great one, was felt at once"
Nothing is written on the wall about 100 forms of fear, self delusion, self seeking and self pity and how that is what has been driving us, nor what to do about it, which is make a decision and do the fourth step.
then it's on to the fourth step
Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves
ummm....how do we do that?
well it's laid out on starting on page 63 near the bottom starting with the word "next" it tells us step by step exactly how to do the fourth step:
Next we launched out on a course of vigorous action, the first step of which is a personal housecleaning which many of us had never attempted
it even gives us a time table
Though our decison (step 3) was a vital and crucial step, it could have little permanent effect unless at once followed by a strenuous effort to face, and to be rid of, the things in ourselves which had been blocking us.
I goes on to explain how to put things in columns, how to look for our part etc
ending on page 71 where it says "If you have already made a decision, (step 3) and an inventory of your grosser handicaps (step four) you have made a good beginning. That being so you have swallowed and digested some big chunks of truth about yourself"
Working the step as laid out on the wall and laid out in the book are 2 different animals was my point, nothing is mentioned on the wall in step 3 about our biggest problem is our vast selfishness and self centeredness, nothing is written on the wall in the fourth step about when or how to do this crucial step, this is what I meant, yes, work the steps, but work them out of the book but thank you for pointing out I needed to be more clear and explain what I said to be understood by the meanest understanding so there is no possibility of a misunderstanding
-- Edited by LinBaba on Wednesday 15th of September 2010 04:25:32 PM
it's not the change that's painful, it's the resistance to change that is painful
taking that step to trust in God again. I have no idea on how to even do that. I have been angry with god for so long I don't know how to forgive him and believe in the fact that he will catch me if I fall.
To be honest Jenna I felt pretty much the same. For me, I did step three with my sponsor (probably after about 3 weeks). She almost caught me by surprise and said "would you like to do Step 3 tonight? I thought "OK.....may aswell". My enthusiasm was pretty low. I just kind of trusted the process. Anyway she made me get down on my knees and read the Step 3 prayer from the Big Book. Oh Heavens above! I nearly fainted. She was an oldtimer - 26 years or so and that was the way she did it. NOT only that, but she had another AA member there aswell to join us. oh God!!!!! I thought she was bonkers....this is a sect....... Anyhow I went along with it - was way too shy to say no!!!!!
She said you have made a decision Louisa - that's all - God will handle the rest. You are trying and that is all that is required. Nothing else. (I wasn't convinced!!!!)
Having done that we moved onto Step 4 within days then 5 and it really started to kind of fall into place from that moment on for me..........
I trusted the process - my way had never worked in the past. I had nothing to lose.
That is how I took Step 3 ! Lots of love to you Louisa xx
P.S. Don't let the above put you off! Not all sponsors do step 3 with their sponsees that way! I giggle now looking back ! But it worked and she later joked to me ....many months if not years later that she had me where she wanted me ...on my knees to God!!!! She said that whilst I was doing that i couldn't be "playing God" . OUCH!!!!!! She was tough. I cherish her to this day!!! ....wasn't sure at the time!!!!
P.P.S. He WILL catch you if you fall.........He will ! It is only now looking back that I can see how my HP has caught me many times - even though at 8 years sober I still don't really have an absolute concept of my HP. !!! xx
Aloha Jenna...Wow...getting sober and 6 days without drinking and going to meetings and checking in with MIP...You want it!! Keep that willingness and openmindedness and honesty cause you will get great motivation from it. I didn't even know I had to get sober. I found the doors to AA thru the doors of Al-Anon. My wife was the one with the drinking problem not me!! I procrastinate on everything, am oppositional defiant there also, stubborn and self centered to the max and with the steps in Al-Anon (adapted from AA) I was able to stay without alcohol for 9 years before finally getting to do my very own assessment on my drinking history. I am, not was, alcoholic and like your parents I continue to do this program. The third step for me was a revelation in that I could say I knew about God as I was taught all those years before program...Private Parochial Schools, thelogy lessons, service all that stuff...spoke latin even (cannot when I'm drunk though). I was studied but not experienced in actually having an ongoing relationship with a God of my understanding. Step 3 for me was building that relationship to where I can say from my experiences in it that God Is (that's my meditation focus today) and I prefer to be within God Is. Like it has been said here already I have to do my part of God Is which is turning my life and will over 24/7. I am not a priest, monk, friar, guru or anything other than a human male person recovering from alcoholism and attached to a power greater than myself. It's a simple program for complicated people.
I'm grateful for your post cause the constant meetings part was what I did also.
Hey Jena, Congrats on this great step. Your post is great and you can see that from the discussion generated it is a common, crucial phase. Keep plugging. Tom
"You're in the right place. That's the door right there. Turn around."
It was my experience when I first came to AA that I didnt get a good sponsor, I didnt rely on God and I didnt work the steps. And I DID get drunk , repeatedly. I did however go to meetings and alot of them.
For me, steps 1 & 2 were merely a state of mind type of working steps. ( and I did follow in the book, and guided by my sponsor ) This is when I suffered my last drunk and got serious about staying alive and working the program. step 1, yep Im powerless over alcohol and my life is unmanageable. ( I didnt write anything down, or make a list of the unmanageablility or how I was powerless ) I knew all this stuff, it was very, very fresh in my head, not to mention facing me like every single minute of every single day.
step 2, yep, I believe in God , and heres the kicker for me ... I had to believe that God could restore me to sanity. ( now, Im not insane, far from it. But, my thinking that i can take only 1 drink and stop is insane ) see for me, its the insanity of taking that first drink.
step 3, now this requires some serious effort , not to mention some real heartfelt determination to do what the step is asking. Took me awhile but I learned that my 'will' is my thinking, and my 'life' is my actions. I had to start to attune my thinking and my actions to God. All of them, the good ones and the bad ones. This took some practice and thankfully my sponsor helped me with different types of little exercises, as well as repeatedly saying the 3 rd step prayer until I really, really felt the meaning of every sentence with every being of my body.
I am so thankful for my sponsor. She helped me to learn how to rely on God. My sponsor is a good teacher. And when I thank her for being such a good teacher, she thanks me for being such a willing student Oops, pretineer forgot ... my sponsor and i took step 3 together too, just the way the book describes. ( even tho it doesnt say you have to do it with a sponsor ).
My sponsor is an internet sponsor, and lives in another state about 8 hours from me. when we started working the 3 rd step and both agreed that I was comfortable with it, she had me start writing my grudge list. Within 10 days of finishing that, I was on a vacation and travelled to see her, then we took the 3 rd step prayer togther, went over it all, i shared my 4 th step with her and we did the 5th too. Wam bam, ,thankyou Mam !! lol, it was great. and then I went back to my hotel room and got my book,which I already had with me cuz i had it at my sponsors house, and read about the 6th and 7th steps and did what it said in the book.
Working the steps, in order , in a timely fashion is and has been key for my sobriety.
-- Edited by happycamper on Wednesday 15th of September 2010 08:08:09 PM
Yes...the answers are all in the Big Book. No it will not get anyone drunk if I tell them to do what I did. If you read any of the stories including Bill and Bob's you will hear them pretty much saying to do what they did. What I did was work a program consisting of hundreds of meetings, having a sponsor, working steps, and doing service. I don't think I'm all that....BUT...to anyone new...I suggest you do what I did, cuz it worked.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
I have to thank all of you for your comments. It is very exciting for me to see the support that I have. It is nice to know that I am not alone...
Today is day 7 and I am proud of this accomplishment. It's only been 7 days but my body feels so much better. I just need to work on my mind.
I am going to my first big book meeting tonight and I am looking forward to it. I have tried to read the book on my own but some of the things they are saying doesn't make sense. Perhaps it's because my mind is still sick.
I took the advice from a member I spoke to last night. I woke up this morning and my first thought was I am not going to drink today and I said a prayer. I am not ready to give myself over to my higher power but I can start by talking to him. I think the rest will fall into place. Hopefully.... ha ha ha
I am sure this doesn't make sense but for today and right at this moment I am feeling great.... I want to hang on to that and never let go.
Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I am sure you will see lots of posts from me especially during the day. This site helped me through the day yesterday (I wanted to drink). It helped me pass some of the time away to make it to my meeting. Thanks again.
Jenna - Your higher power is under development...It is okay to give it time while you stay sober. You are on a spiritual journey and you are going to figure this stuff out with meetings, sponsorship, and soul searching. For now, just believing in the process of recovery and meetings IS believing in a higher power...and by GOING to the meeting and GETTING a sponsor, you are actively turning over your will to a higher power. This is just my take on how the steps work... If over time when you see some miracle happening in your life as a result of your sobriety, your belief in God changes, that can be your higher power at that time. All is well and congrats on day 7. Hope you find a sponsor soon and post here often. We are here for you and you inspire me and help me by hearing about your efforts.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
For now, just believing in the process of recovery and meetings IS believing in a higher power...and by GOING to the meeting and GETTING a sponsor, you are actively turning over your will to a higher power.
((Jenna)) For me, Mark has said it all - beautifully. Even after the years I have in the program I still maintain my HP is "under development" ........as am I !!!!! Sending you love and best wishes on your journey! Louisa xx