Wow, what a week so far!! My first priority remains meetings meetings meetings. This is the first night ina long time I am not going to one, due to the fact that I have been working my new job with horrendous hours the past few days, and then had 2 medical appointments myself today on my day off, one of which was not until after 5 (my usual meeting is at 6). But I have been nearly sleepless the past few nights despite my exhaustion.
One would think that after working a NEW stressful job for 9 or 10 hours, and then racing home to have about 45 minutes til I have to pick someone up for a meeting, doing the meeting, dropping the lady off.... that I would sleep like a baby. Not so! The more tired I am the less sleep I get. I only got about 4 hours the past several nights and it sucks. I am not lying awake thinking, I am just half-asleep, not quite getting fully asleep untilt he wee hours. Have been doing decaf at meetings as well but this is nuts.
Anyone here start having insomnia all of a sudden?? I have never in my life had this problem before. Never. And my relapses over 40-something days ago were not long enough to get my body "used to" alcohol and substances again, so this doesn't make any sense.
Any thoughts??
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
I never had sleep problems , until .... I started trying to do too much. Meetings all the time, service work in AA, church, work, family, community organization meetings, doc appts. , pets, the garden, more AA meetings, a dish to pass for a church funeral dinner, shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry, take the dog to the vets, a birthday party, Christmas , and the list goes on and on and on and on.
Id get in to bed and couldnt sleep cuz I was over tired.
Talked to my sponsor about it and she told me I was WAY to busy.
I cut back on a couple meetings during the week. Let go of a few community functions and meetings ( I was involved in 6 ). Stopped throwing all the birthday and Christmas and holiday parties. Learned to take an inventory and make a list before shopping. And, I cut back on AA service. there are plenty of other ppl and new comers to do the work. Theres no law just cuz I got sober that says I had to run myself ragged and take on the world.
It was like me tho to want to do all these things cuz I was sober and I had lived such an isolated life prior to sobriety that I wanted to make up for lost time.
I learned to say NO. And then I learned to not feel guilty about saying NO.
Yeah, sometimes I just get insomnia for no particular identifiable reason. I wouldn't get too worked up about it, because then it can become a self-fulfilling worry. It might just be one of those things that passes.
A couple of tips for getting to sleep that I've heard, that seem to work for me:
1. No TV in the bedroom and no TV or internet at all for 30 minutes prior to going to bed. 2. Glass of milk and some crackers or something just to make the tummy snug 3. Warm bath or shower. It's relaxing and I understand that the body cooling off afterward helps you get to sleep. 4. Read something in the bed that you enjoy but that isn't political or anything to get you worked up. I like listening to podcasts.
Also exercise helps. Doesn't have to be anything much, just a nice walk. Maybe in place of a meeting one or two nights? Just a thought, whatever you think is best.
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's.
I agree with happycamper. I've discovered that when I'm too busy and don't take some time for myself, I get over tired don't sleep well at all. I hate the "in and out" type of sleep where I feel so tired, but just can't let go. I also had to slow things down in my life and feel a little more balanced. Maybe it's time to give yourself a little "break" from the rat race joni. I do have to say though, your willingness to help and get involved the ay you have has been inspirational for me.
Well friends, as usual, it is nice to know that I am not unique, and not alone. Thanks for that.
Happycamper, Dave and Brian, I am worried about the idea of cutting back meetings right now. The thing that has led me back to drinking on several occasions after years of sobriety has been slowly but surely cutting back on meetings until it became zero meetings. So that concept terrifies me at the tender place I am at right now!! But this speaks to my all-or-nothingness in a big way, as I didn;t go back out when I was attending 4 or 3 meetings a week, I went back out when I attended ZERO. So the cutting back I guess was not so much the problem. It was the stopping altogether of meetings in my life. And for me, once I started to cut back, the "cutting back" would snowball and wham, down to zero, for months, and then wham, drunk when some life-circumstance would throw itself at me and I was out of touch with the people of AA.
I suppose a dedication, a REAL dedication that I KEEP, to 3 or 4 meetings a week (instead of 6) would probably be sufficient. I am actually shooting myself in the foot when I get so tired that I don't remember (or don't have time) to do my meditations in the morning.... that's not good either, and sometimes this occurs because I have been overloaded the day before, didn't sleep well, yada yada... too much running around. I drive a Honda that gets almost 30mpg, and I work 15 minutes from my house, and most meetings are close...... yet watching my GAS TANK shows me just how much insane running around I am doing!! There is no reason on earth why I should be going through a tank and a half of gas a week!!!! I suppose something has to give.
I need a plan. Not one of "my usual plans" that goes by the wayside and is stupid to begin with, but a realistic plan.... yes, Dean, if you are reading this, I have yet to make up that weekly schedule for myself!!! Just like any person brand spankin' new in recovery, everything about my life right now is "new" by default, due to my recent separation, living on my own, and new job, and I need to be TOLD when to eat, when to sleep, when to do laundry, when to RELAX. If I try to let providence lead the way on this stuff and just live moment to moment, I am making bad decisions about the use of my time. I don't even have kids!!! I swear, I don't know how moms and dads out there do it!! (Kudos to you all!!!)
And ZZworld, your suggestions make a lot of sense to me. While I have not had time to turn my television ON for the past few weeks even, so that's not a problem, I do stay on the computer by default because of school and whatnot (ALL my school is online)... and yes, other internet crap which I can also cut out of the equation if I am really serious about this. There is no reason to check my balance at 11:45 pm when I have checked it at 6pm, and then only put a single paper dollar or two in the meeting basket, right??
So..... with that, I am going to make up a starter-schedule for myself, RIGHT NOW. Right this instant. Because if I put it off it will not get done and I think it will help me to get a grip here.... thanks again to all of you, I am going to put your solid ES&H to work and I will let you know how it turns out.
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
Discipline for me can involve me being disciplined about not doing too it through people pleasing or using such "busyness" to stop me having to look at issues within myself I am avoiding.
I have seen folk run around keeping extra busy (and usually always in other people's company) and I wonder to myself...what are they afraid of? What fear is driving them to do that?
Even doing(overdoing) AA service work can be a way of avoiding issues within ourselves.
I need an honest inventory to be able to move forward....whatever it may entail. I always check my motives.
I am with Dave on the meetings.
Yes it's a horrible feeling being exhausted and yet not be able to sleep. A horrible and worrying feeling........
Sending you much love Louisa xx
P.S. I also like time alone with my HP ......I need it.
-- Edited by louisa on Thursday 19th of August 2010 06:38:50 AM
I understand about your not wanting to cut back on meetings, and honestly don't blame you at all. It sounds to me like you have your priorities in order. As much as it might suck, it may be best for you to just keep going like you are, and wait until the sleep just comes. I hate not sleeping, but I've been told that no one ever died from lack of it. There's been times like your describing that lasted for weeks for me, but in the end the sleep finally won out. Until that happens, take care of yourself. From some of your past posts, I know your aware of HALT, and do a pretty good job of keeping it in check. Keep it simple, take it easy on yourself, and trust that God has your back!
well..... schedule has been made, and subject to change of course.... but going to try hard to adhere to it. Have 3 meetings that are non-negotiable, and room for one other if I have my homework done by that day in the week..... to be continued... I think this schedule thing is a start though.
MUCH love and thanks!! This is a very important thing for me!!
..... and, about 6 hours sleep last noight, that's better than usual!
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
Hey Joni! Yes I also agree when we continue to "run,run,run, and our minds are firing on 12 cylinders,we can't seem to rest.When my son was out terrorizing the area I was making meetings,sponsoring,playing in a band,part of a few fellowships,part of my church group,working late all to relinquish any thoughts or emotions of the loss of him.I also found myself,overtired,and not being able to cope with a lot of things because without sleep we can't recover.Physically,mentally and at times spiritually. I would only suggest giving yourself some pampering,try to focus on what keeps your recovery in the "best shape" and fill in with other stuff when it becaomes a natural part of your routine if you can.This is only my stuff,but I still go off on a tangent now and then, get angry with "who or whatever' cause Im overextended and the the trip is I'm the one running that show>>Insanity creeps back in and some times the adreneline from that is a rush...,but I see it and "shut it down!!!!Breathe deep,feel your body relax,let your mind drift(((((((((hugs))))))))).....
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
I dunno how bad your last relapse was or on what all substances but matbe you're in "re-bound" stage or as my rehab book calls it, "The Honeymoon". Brain bouncing back hyper-actively after the depressants are taken away. Just a thought.
No matter what or're doing The Next Right Thing and as long as you keep that up, I have no doubt that you will find a balance and equilibrium.
Have you tried stroking something furry, like a Norwegian Elkhound?
Just heard it in a meeting on Tuesday. Breath. Lay in bed and practice deep breathing. In through the nose hold for 10 seconds and out throgh the mouth very slowly. Do this about 10-15 times, I was told it will put you to sleep every time.
thanks !! MORE love and support today here!!! :o) :o) My MIP family totally ROXX!!!! I got about 6.5 hours sleep last night and I noticed a DRASTIC change in my attitude at work today. My elkhound and my kitty are a great comfort, that's for sure. They are not used to me lately being gone so much, and when I laid down last night they literally piled up all over me and we drifted off all together in a nest of warm furriness... I think GOD for my beloved animals!! They take good care of me even when I can't take the best care of myself. And they NEED me rested and whole, just as I do (well, working on the "whole" part...
I am adhering to my schedule today ("shedd-jule" for my Brit friends here..) and I hope to continue to practice this. It is only day one on an official schedule, but just knowing I have everything written down and only need look at TODAY is a HUGE load off my shoulders!!
-- Edited by jonijoni1 on Thursday 19th of August 2010 07:13:03 PM
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
Cutting back on meetings and then getting down to zero meetings never caused me to get drunk. I made the decision to drink full well knowing that I should not have drank. And If I would have reached out for help, or picked up the phone or went to that meeting, I most likely would have stayed sober.
As much as I love the Big Book, take it to bed with ya, it will put you to sleep, lol. ( it has me in the past when Ive had trouble sleeping ).
Dont get me wrong here .. Meetings are important. But as had already been mentioned - we get sober with the steps we take, not the meetings we make.
Im wondering ... are you working closely with a sponsor and taking the steps in a timely fashion?
yes happy camper, I have a great sponsor of 10 years. We are working the steps again. :o) I think it goes hand in hand for me, because once I have worked through the steps, the meetings remind me to keep working the maintenance steps. And meetings provide me an opportunity to help other alcoholics, which I tend to stop doing when I stop going to meetings.
gnite all, and thanks again!
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
Good for you joni. I was talking to a friend last night and he made a comment about "psyching yourself out of sleeping." It made allot of sense to me. I would get stressed about not sleeping, and that stress would keep me awake at night. Sounded crazy, but it was true for me. Now I gotta learn how to psych myself into sleeping good all night!