(Saw this in my district newsletter, it was reprinted from the Grapevine. Love it!)
There Is a Way to Get Along With People:
1.You must not try to dominate the group:See the truth in the other person's position rather than to be always trying to get your position across.
2.You must not try to use the group:It can be sensed at once if you are trying to use the group for any ulterior purpose.
3.Acquire and cultivate the power to put yourself in the other person's place:Imaginative sympathy is the key to life, for life is sensitiveness -- try "suffering with."
4.Determine to hold no secret criticism of another:Let's lower the barriers and welcome the worst, and we will probably find the best.
5.Don't look for perfection in people:You have to get along with yourself in spite of yourself, so make up your mind to get along with others in spite of themselves.
6.Look on others, not as they are, but as they can be -- if you help to give them a chance.
7.Refuse to look for slights:Those who look for them usually find them.Let your great purpose (your sobriety) absorb your attention so deeply in AA philosophy that you will actually not know when you are slighted.
8.Don't allow yourself to become petty, keep big:When trivial things upset you, say to yourself, "I'm not big enough or those things wouldn't hurt me."
9.Look for privileges of service rather than for your rights:Rights are not something that can be given -- they have to be earned, and they are earned as you give service to others.The one who serves others gets more rights than he knows what to do with.
10.Often decide with the group against yourself:For the group can see more objectively than you can.Keep the power to say "I'm sorry."Those who are always right are always wrong -- by their very attitudes they are always wrong.