No joke......but I have a rough idea of when I got sober - as in the month and years but I refused to have an absolute date.....why?
Because I can be quite obsessive and I know that 'knowing exactly' can put stress on me. I literally work my program on a 24 hour daily basis.........
I almost kind of felt uneasy with what I perceived to be targets. Working the program this way has never stopped me being of use to others and carrying this message - it has actually helped a sponsee I worked with enormously.......We are all different and within the umbrella of this amazing program have to find what works for us........
God! Reaching 30 days could have been a cause of celebration for me......NOT in a good way!!!!!! That is why I knew for me I had to find a way of eliminating unhelpful targets. I am only speaking for myself and I understand that I am in the minority with my approach...or so i am constantly told!!!!
2 days? Good for you. You're getting up and starting again! God LOVES a trier ...GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!
No jokes Steve, you made it back!!! Keep doing the right thing and you may realize that before too long you've got more days behind you. Your always in my thoughts and prayers brother.
Welcome back Steve, redouble your efforts and pick up on a few more suggestions, start your 90/90 again. I was stuck in the revolving door for 2 years but I made it somehow, ODAAT
No jokes... I have always had a deep respect for those that slip and come back pretty quick. After my slip I stayed out there for over two years and totally destroyed everything I valued.
No jokes... just thoughts and prayers of peace and serenity for you...
"A busy mind is a sick mind. A slow mind, is a healthy mind. A still mind, is a divine mind." - Native American Centerness