I sometimes just sit here and read all the posts. It reminds me of how my own family works. There are days when we can disagree. Then there are days when we will all absolutely agree. Then there are days when some other family has shared a painful moment with us. Then there are days when have had our own painful moment. We need each other to share our lives with. Your sharing brings something to my heart. My heart listens. I do not have a solution for you, but you have given me something. The language of the heart is different. It has a mystery about it. Something indescribable. What my intellect could not do for years, my heart accomplished in a few moments. Could not understand it at all, but as I got along, I found that a grateful heart was what made the difference. My sponsor told me one day, that the hallmark of every good recovery was gratitude. And I thought it was sobriety. I have seen the most spiritual of men with nothing material, but they have such a heart. That is how proud Gonee was humbled. To say that I love you and not be a sounding brass, means that I am grateful that you are here. It would be an awful lonely world without you. SO THANKS AGAIN FOR THE GIFT OF YOURSELF.
We sure as heck DO need eachother...... that is what was missing from "my" program.... and it got me isolated and drunk. Thank you for the reminder, gonee, and I see this stark fact everywhere now.... WE get better, together.
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
Thank you Gonee, our minds have connected on this site, our worlds are mingled, thoughts, hopes, dreams, experience, and strength and weaknesses are shared and it benefits all of us. thank you for being here. jj
Gonee, Nice post. We do need other. Seeing what we can give to others and not always taken. Being on this site is like a give and take. Sometimes were up and help someone who's down & vice versa. Helping one another stay sober and happy. It's a wonderful thing.