I wish I could find this cartoon online. It was in the May 3, 2010 New Yorker. The cartoon had no caption (and didn't need one) - the article in which it appeared had nothing to do with alcoholism - not even sure what it was about. I cut out the cartoon and put it up on the bulletin board at my home group, after showing it around. Everyone got it immediately.
It was a picture of a mouse that was caught in a mousetrap. It was still alive, and was licking its lips while reaching for a piece of cheese in another mousetrap.
Thanks, FS. I can relate. The diesase of more. Eventhough; I was trapped by the grips of a spiritual malady I continually reached for more of the same thing that got me into the trap in the first place (Alcohol).
Did get a good laugh, that suits me and some others to a "T".....well, body is broken, spirit, long gone, and mentally, never had much to hold onto anyway, yet, so where is the next drink, or Cheese, gotta have JUST ONE anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if that mouse ever resembled a pickle at all....Wonder if that mouse will survive and get into a better life.....do you think he ever thought about a a way out???
Thanks for the laugh, you always make me laugh Glenn, with that great humor....
Probably not really funny, but shows the power of the disease. That cartoon reminds me of the drunk driver being "jaws of lifed", pryed out of his overturned vehicle----drinking the beers he had with him in the car!!