Our AA book study group is on a Monday. We tried a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. It did not work. Our Monday night group is so lively, it would seem like we had struck oil. We are having a movie on Monday. We suggested Friday and the alcoholics just looked puzzled. Why Friday. What's wrong with Monday. Well I suppose Monday used to be hangover and it seems only fit that we should recover on a Monday. However if you ask the wives and they go "Why Monday". What about Friday. We alcoholics are a strange lot but we are happy in recovery. The BB on pg 17 says "The tremendous fact for every one of us is that we have discovered a common solution. We have a way out on which we can absolutely agree, and upon which we can join in brotherly and harmonious action." I have not found any thing else that works like AA. God always finds a way to heal His sick children and I am ever so grateful to Him for sending me to AA for help. I still get spiritually sick sometimes, but I have company now in AA and a 12 step program to restore me to sanity.
My home group is also Monday nights! I am blessed to not only have work to attend to but to top it off sharing recovery with my peers on Monday night homegroup. Though I also show up during the week at different groups,I LOOK FORWARD TO MONDAY NIGHTS!!
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.