I just wanted to say I never really realized that I was isolating myself so much from my A.A. home group, until I started going back again regularly. It is amazing how much better I feel when I go to my meetings, even if I can't stay for the metting at all or for just 30 min. I think my favorite part of being there is hearing the laughter and sometimes feeling anothers pain, but that all helps me to realize that we can't do it alone, we need each other to help with difficult times or just to be with one another. If I hit a meeting in the morning it just makes my day seem so much easier. I guess that's all I needed to say. Hope it makes sense.
Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell the storm how big your God is!
An AA home group is just like family. Sometimes I cannot live with them and then I find that I cannot live without them. As my recovery progressed, I found that I absolutely needed each and every one of my AA friends, because with out them my life becomes unmanageable. But more than that I longed to meet and fellowship, with my AA and Alanon friends. This is my wife's and my social circle and we will not traded it in for something else. We laugh together and cry together. There is sheer joy from this. I found that it is only important what I brought to the party, because as I bring the new ones also bring. You can only give time, nothing else. God bless you Carla and remember that He loved us first.