Didn't sleep too much last night, my mind raced. Everything from childhood to last night's meeting........ these are some of the questions that came to mind, and please forgive me if anyone thinks their stupid or ignorant!
Can I drink O'douls or a non-alcholic beer? They have a small percentage of alcohol in them I think.
Do I share my planned recovering with my 14 yr old? He's seen me drunk many times! I don't want to fail being sober in his eyes.
I have a new set of friends, (I ran many of the others off) we go to bars, how do I handle this without any of them thinking I'm a snob or whatever?
Do I tell my parents? I would imagine they know I'm an alcoholic, but they've NEVER acknowledged it. And they've lived in another state have for 20 yrs!
more to come...... I'm sure........ off to a meeting.
I have a new set of friends, (I ran many of the others off) we go to bars, how do I handle this without any of them thinking I'm a snob or whatever?
The bottom line is this:
I never have to do anything that I do not want to do. Those that disagree are not my friends.
Personally, I do not hang around pubs, clubs and dives unless I have a good reason to be there.
It is not my business if people think that I am a snob. As long as I am doing what is right for me, this is what is important. If I choose not to go to a bar and my friends think that I am a snob, I do not care.
This is life and death we are talking about, so who cares about what others think.
This is the time to address our insatiable need for approval.
Old Pro, These are all great questions. And it will take a little time for you to decide what is right for you. When you tell your son or your parents will be entirely up to you.
Aagld answered the non-alcoholic beverage questions as I would ,I just don't want to take a chance, that a little alcohol could get me started on that old life of a drunk.
As far as friends , some are just bad influences, the true friends who really care about you will understand. I don't think it's a good idea to go to bars in the first stages of recovery.
Hope you have some great meetings today. Have you picked up a Big Book yet? You can get one at any meeting for around $6, or you can read it on line.
Thanks! the feedback you all have provided is exactly what I need........ I did 3 meetings today. man, am I tired. But I'm sober!! Got myself an AA book, was $5 and one of the women in there insisted she pay, said someone bought hers for her a year ago and she wanted to do the same. Made me feel great! She wouldn't take no for an answer, so I guess I'll do the same for someone else one day.........ty all again..... have lots on my mind. thinks it's getting time for a new post from "op"....
Looks like you got the answers that I would have given too...except for one thing."Can I still go to bars with my friends?"
When I got sober I was working as a bartender/banquet captain...I wondered if I needed to quit my job, but really needed to keep working where I could make decent money. I was in alot of debt and was taking care of 2 kids at the time. I talked to my sponsor about what I should do. What she told me was this..."If you go to bars to hang out witih your friends, you are trying to live vicariously through them and will probably drink eventually. If you have a legitimate reason for being there (ie work or 12 step call) ask God to help you through it and it will be okay." And ya know what? Every time I was behind that bar pouring drinks, a member of AA was on the other side of the bar, getting coffee and asking me how I was doing, letting me know that I wasn't alone and could find them if I needed to talk.
I did that for a year until I could find another job...and never drank.