That's awesome wagon. My prayers are with you that you continue to receive strength from God to remain sober and on those days it might not be so easy, that you are quickly able to recognize the triggers that cause your difficulty so that you can turn it around and bring yourself back to your accomplishment.
Take Care!
PS. Although, I'm not addicted to alcohol I have been codependent on unhealthy relationships. I have also been counting down the months to my recovery in breaking this cycle and after a 3 year on/off relationship, I am happy to say that it is going on 6 months for me too since I've walked away from an unhealthy relationship, not contacted him, nor him I AND have not turned to someone else for my recovery, but instead built my relationship with God alone to heal pain and bring peace. :) I'm enjoying my time alone with my children for the first time in my life.
wagon, always remember that NOTHING is impossible with God and if you trust in Him, he will make your paths straight.