Hello everyone, what a wonderful thing to be amongst such beautiful members of such a wonderful fellowship, I've been clean and sober by the Grace of God as I understand God, the fellowship of AA and the program for living one day at a time since the 5th of February 2006. Loving the life, so very much.
But I have a special place in my heart for November the first as that was the day I knew that it had to end. I hit rock bottom that day and surrendered but it was a couple of weeks until I could get into rehab where I was introduced to AA.
Hi Michael from Kansa City Plll and Group 1. Sober today and from Oct 2, 1972. Inch by inch it's a cinch and yard by yard hard.
I like the idea I can cope hard or cope easy. AA says we tried to find a easier softer way but could not. I don't believe AA is supposed to be so hard that I have to cope hard.
The Joy of Good Living is a reality and when I'm sober Joy and Sorrow are sometimes inseperable.
Hi y'all, my name is Sam, I'm female, 63yo, and retired nurse. I got to AA through intervention on the job 9-21-1981. All I wanted was to get "these people" off my ass, just do the 90-in-90 and be more careful of who would know when I was drinking. Something happened tho! While going to meetings (somehow) the message was heard, and on day 91 when I thought I would be done with AA, I returned and for the first time in my life I said "My name is Sam, I'm an alcoholic". What a wonderful journey this has been. I will share my story on another forum here. I have been in online AA since May of 1996 just after my son committed suicide, I was devastated and reached out for help and the hand of AA was there for me. Thank God. My homegroup is the Westside Group, Jacksonville, FL. I am active in the fellowship and in service, I have had the same sponsor for 23 years....she knows the best and worst about me and loves me anyway! I look forward to exchanging ES&H with other AAs, and welcome any comments that might help me learn my way around here. First off, where's the coffee?
Visit my homepage, and Joey's story: http://www.beenthere1.com
Hello and welcome to Jamie, Jupiter, Frodo, Gladlee, Hsoj, Special welcome back to Dodsworth, , Michael, and Been there. Those of you, that haven't already, please create a new introductory thread and share a little about yourself so that you can received a proper welcoming from our regulars.
Became AA member: Aug 1971 Searched for easier way for next 24 Years Recovered from alcoholism: 16 years ago Total Time since completing third step: 40 Years
Welcome MarkK and RKdian34. Please start and introductory thread so that the regulars can give you a proper welcoming. rkdian34 I sent you a PM (personal message)
Hi everyone ... my very first post here. My AA birthday is September 14, 1987; this September will mark 24 years sober. A woman wrote a book called "It Must Be 5:00 Somewhere". One Thursday night I sat with my usual drink watching the video of Regis Philbin interviewing her on his show and I saw myself. That Sunday night I had my last drink, a martini, at midnight.
My Birthday is 1-4-10 After a night of heavy drinking, I got into a fight with my best freind outside a bar was arrested and had to go to court etc. This was the final sign that I could not drink like a gentleman. I had 5 years previuosly and also had to do more research. Anyways, by me stopping a bunch of friends family did so also. I have made a difference by example. My Favorite Meeting is PBP in Burien, WA.
Long-time lurker. Sobriety date is 4 January 2009. I go to regular AA meetings; this is my first post here online, however. There is a yahoo message board I post to sometimes, though.
-- Edited by SOBR2DAY on Sunday 6th of March 2011 03:41:24 PM
Don't you know there ain't no devil, there's just God when he's drunk.
I'm sober by the grace of God since February 13, 2006. My first home group was the Pax Christi AA Group in the Twin Cities, MN. This is my first day on this site, but I hope to become a regular.
Hello I'm Ron, I have been sober since June 1, 2010. My last meeting was at the Saanich Peninsula Hospital Feb 2010. I am going to a meeting over a year later, this Tuesday, hoping to stick with it. Victoria, BC.
-- Edited by Mysonturns3 on Friday 3rd of June 2011 11:29:13 PM
I am vixen, a very grateful alcoholic, who stopped drinking in May 2011, and my clean and sober date is September 9, 2011. :)
-- Edited by vixen on Sunday 4th of December 2011 11:14:04 AM
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.
Hi all, my first day sober was 10 Feb 1980 or so my sponsor told me. I didn't think it would work so I didn't take note of the date, but the day came when my sponsor told my I had three months up - I couldn't believe it.
God bless,
-- Edited by Fyne Spirit on Sunday 24th of July 2011 08:18:29 PM
My new date is 10/12/11 The day I finally 100% admitted defeat within and realized that I have no power over this disease and to keep drinking will lead me to my death. I been to jails, hospitals, institutions, homeless and all thats left is death and there is no coming back asking for a second chance from that.
-- Edited by SoberSteve on Wednesday 16th of November 2011 03:02:15 AM
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
After my mothers passing 5/11/10, my old friend, who is sober 11 years, now its 7 but who knows...He asked me to come have christmas with him, being my mom gone and all. I showed up, he had dope and we did it.....that was dec 24th, 2010. He kept calling me and I came by on Jan 9th, he blew up at me about little shit....and talking about me when I was 25, and my outragous body and all the blow.....anyway, I went back to that life, the more he talked about it....He told me off and I told my sober 23 yr girlfriend to come get me, he told he she low self esteem and get rid of her boyfriend.
We left I told her to take me to the bar, my old bar, and she did.....after 9 months sober I ordered a adios Mother fucker....had four of them, took on 4 cops, kicking them and they had their billy clubs out and quess what, come on, and well, i was hog tied, tried to kick out the cop windows and off to jail,,,,,,,I woke up, all beat up, and that was
1/11/11 that is my AA birthday...................I have 9 months, 2 days
My father took me to my first meeting in October 1960 in Rochester, NH... I thought it was great for all those old guys but I could handle it without going to meetings... I'm too young, I'm Irish, I'm a Marine, I had just gotten out of the Corps. I had to learn the hard way... almost 9 years of hell! I met a guy in a joint in Brooklyn that told me he was a drunk and had enough and was going back to AA. I told him I'd like to go... that was Dick C. He was put there at that time to tell me he was done and it gave me the "in" to get back! I got sober at the Midwood Group in Brooklyn on 4/1/69.
I don't have to tell anyone thats been around that this program saved my life. I had been in an out of AA... I heard the music, but I never heard the lyrics. I was around AA, not in it! This is a fellowship like no other... we come from all different walks of life with one common denominator... Alcohol.
If you're wondering if it works... it does!!
Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die...
Hi, my name is RJ, and I'm an alcoholic. My sobriety date is 5-28-11, and my homegroup is the Get Real group of Walnut Creek, California. I am a regular poster at Soberrecovery under the same name.
I got clean at fellowship hall in hagerstown,md. It was only by the grace of God that I made it in once again after being in and out of the rooms over 20 yrs. I finally "GOT IT". I found the easier, softer way!!!!!!
-- Edited by sabrina on Thursday 24th of November 2011 07:44:26 PM
my first AA meeting was in october 1989, went back out after 6 months.
I was Out for 21 years! Thanks to my higher power my sobriety date is: 12/23/2010.
My SOB date is July 25, 1992. My first meeting was Jan, 1978. Got sober in Angola,In. agian on Nov. 1,1987 and relapsed in Feb. of 1992 and finally took my last drink on July 24,1992 sobered up on the 25th. By the grace of God and the help of many in the program of AA I have not had the desire to drink in many a twenty-four hours. Thanks for an attitude of gratitude one day at time,I love my life today.
Hello everyone! I'm new to the board. I guess you could say my AA birthday is Febuary 1st, 2010. Or at least that's my sober date and the time I started working the program. This Febuary 1st will be my two years.
6-18-11... thanks to my arrest and subsequent probation requirements of at least three meetings a week... I FINALLY got the wake-up call, I have never been so GRATEFUL!!!
Colin, December 9th 2009. Got released from jail, walked up the hill to Central Discussion. A place where I knew of people trying to stay sober, one day at a time. Stopped meetings for a year, recently started going again, because its not just about me. Greatful.
I was 31 years old and my first 7 years of AA were in Greenville, SC. I will forever be grateful to the friends I made in AA there for all of their knowledge, support, guidance and love that gave me a strong foundation for a life of sobriety one day at a time.
I now live in Hamburg, NY and my home group is the Lakeview Group.
Everything is the way it is supposed to be or it would be a different way.
My father took me to my first meeting in October 1960 in Rochester, NH... I thought it was great for all those old guys but I could handle it without going to meetings... I'm too young, I'm Irish, I'm a Marine, I had just gotten out of the Corps. I had to learn the hard way... almost 9 years of hell! I met a guy in a joint in Brooklyn that told me he was a drunk and had enough and was going back to AA. I told him I'd like to go... that was Dick C. He was put there at that time to tell me he was done and it gave me the "in" to get back! I got sober at the Midwood Group in Brooklyn on 4/1/69.
I don't have to tell anyone thats been around that this program saved my life. I had been in an out of AA... I heard the music, but I never heard the lyrics. I was around AA, not in it! This is a fellowship like no other... we come from all different walks of life with one common denominator... Alcohol.
If you're wondering if it works... it does!!
Thanks for sharing Jack. Hope you'll come back. You're the first, with over 40 years, that I've seen on our board.
-- Edited by StPeteDean on Thursday 26th of January 2012 06:35:36 PM
Today is day 40 of being sober. I got sober on 01/01/2012 the day I was admitted to rehab. Those two weeks were the best of my life and I will forever be grateful to the people there and AA. I have been coming in and out of AA for years and the longest time I stayed sober was over 8 years. Today I am very grateful for the gift of sobriety and intend treasuring it. Without my Higher power and AA it is an impossible journey.
After many years of trying to stop, my last day with a drink was 4th Dec 1994. The next day I went to a meeting at Bell Street in Dundee, Scotland and if I hadn't done so I probably wouldn't be alive today.
I can so identify with that. I know I have another drink in me but I very seriously doubt I will have another chance for recovery - this is life or death for me. My meetings are my lifeline and groups like this.
My birthday is September 26, 2011....It's taken me this long to figure out what everyone was talking about by "birthday". I kept writing my real birthday on the log in sheet at my meetings! haha....
DOS for me was August 10, 2010. I took my very first step by going to an AA meeting in Bedford, Mass - they called themselves the Brown Baggers. It was a life changing moment which began my long sober walk out of the woods of Hell into a new world.
Stopped drinking at the Virtual Reality Internet Cafe on East Dundas Street in London, Ontario on December 1, 1997. Found my Higher Power in Meductic, New Brunswick on December 4, 1997. So far haven't taken a drink since and haven't wanted to take a drink since.
Not all my days are priceless, but none of my days are worthless, anymore.
My new, and hopefully final sobriety birthday is February 26, 2012 (my actual birthday too) after a two day binge and waking up in a hospital room hearing a doctor tell my mom that whenever they see people in that condition they never pull through. Having no recollection of those two days and hearing that was my final wake up call. Thanks for the support.
Hi Im Kendra Ladonna,Im a alcoholic My Sobriety date is May 23,2012 I was so screwed up in the head I had to get sober at home and now Yall Keep Me Sober .......THANK YOU FOR THIS FELLOWSHIP.......and God thank you for these wonderful people who help me to stay Sober.....
Glad to see you in here and I can see you have good reason to stay sober. One thing I might add is none of us can keep you sober... being in here will help because it can be a positive experience. I would hope that there are AA Meetings in your area... that is where you can learn what this program is all about.
In order to stay sober we need to change... getting sober takes some work on our part. Find a woman sponsor and pay attention to what she will tell you. Hopefully you and that woman will get along and the next thing you know you'll be on your way.
AA saved my life when I didn't even think I was worth saving. There are no "must's" in AA but there are some "you better's"... it's a simple program for complicated people and the program has a way of straightening people out.
Good luck...
Jack D
Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die...
(2)First sortie with A.A:- early January/February 1973 maybe 74 lasted 6/7 weeks then the wilderness for approx 18 years
(3)18/7/1990 to date and enjoying every moment of it. Might not have be sober minded all the time but at least I was composmentive and aware of my failings
My name is Gerrit and I am an alcoholic, my AA birthday is 18 May 2012. I relapsed after 2 months in rehap but have now been clean and sober since then, I almost lost my wife and two kids to alcohol.
I am a member of the Lyttleton AA chapter in Centurion , South Africa.
Living life now 24 hours at a time... my prayers go out to those still caught in the evil grip of alcoholism... may you find the peace I have found.
It`s not easy but it`s worth it.
Thank you God for keeping me sober 24 hours at a time, that`s the only way I survive....
Welcome aboard for the best ride in your life! We like to call alcohol the "Great Remover"... it will remove everything we love from us if we don't follow the suggested Steps of this program. They are there to teach us how to live each day without taking a drink. We all go through the rigors of hell when we first get here but that soon levels off and we start really enjoying life.
Good luck on your journey and I hope you'll stop in here to let everyone know how you're doing!
Keeping it simple!
Jack D
Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die...