April 15 1997 Not really sure of the date, but it was easter weekend, and years later my first grandchild was born on April 15 and that was the Second Greatest thing that happened to me Getting and remaining sober was the First, So i thought that would be a good date
I am Leslie and I am an alcoholic. I don't have a week yet. But I had yesterday and with AA and submitting to my Higher Power I WILL HAVE TODAY. God Grant me Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I CAN, and THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. The cause of my drinking is FEAR OF INFERIORITY. In the rooms, I find people that were just as selfish as I am. AND they were just as afraid. I love this program. I love the simple steps....are they too complicated, "WE THINK NOT"!
I got to my first AA meeting on Saturday 3 June 1995, but took my last drink on June 1. I was a dry drunk for about 4 years and then had another rock bottom as a direct result of my still insane and destructive behaviours (don't knock the spelling, I'm British). Suicide was very attractive but that inner voice told me to share my darkest secret to an AA couple. My recovery started from there by working the programme (see above!!) to the best of my ability
"I can't solve my problems using the same kind of thinking I used when I created them."
Thanks for sharing, DenisU, keep it going and continue to work the program. Attend as many meetings as you physically can each week, get a sponsor, read the Book and perform service to others. ODAAT.
This has worked for me and countless others, through the grace of God, this program and people like you that I am alive today.
Got sober July 17, 2011 while sitting in church. Went to my first AA meeting that evening, got a sponsor the next day, the grace of God & the fellowship of AA saved me.
Way to go Boxer.
Excellent! Keep going to meetings, read the Big Book, get a sponsor, and work the steps.
Let God into your life and thank Him every Morning, Noon & Night for the gift of sobriety, one day at a time
Hi all. This is the first time that im referring to myself as this and it is frightning to me. My name is Riana and I am an alcoholic. My DOS is February 17, 2022 12:47AM. I am very new to this life.
My sobriety date is October 25, 2022. I once had 10 years sober, but started drinking again about 3 years ago. I started using drugs again in March of this year. I finally accepted that I had no control over my actions and needed the help of someone or something else.
I got clean at Pinelands Recover Center of Medford New Jersey. It was a wonderful experience and the people I spent that time with were essential to my recovery. Even the staff were in recovery so they understood what we were going through. Even in my 10 years of sobriety, I never could grasp the skills I was born with to cope with what was really going on in my head. Pinelands taught me the ways of A.A. and helped sharpened the tools God gave me. I have always been religious, but never really spiritual...at least not like I am now.
A.A. has become like a family to me. I look forward to meeting others that share my experiences and hope that I can be a beneficial part of their recovery, as so many others have been for me.
Welcome back, Trisha! I see you've made it through the holidays! Attend as many meetings as you possibly can, now. We all need you and support your efforts. It is only one day at a time and with the help of God we can continue.
It took my adult children, to say they would never want to have me as their mom! To make me realize, that I was heading into a hell of which, I never wanted to go in the first place.. So now, just 24 days sober. I see where I was wrong.