I'm good. Been transplanting trees today, so am pretty dusty. Alls well on the farm and the critters are a bit noisy tonight as I have just rotated them into new pens and they are all singing out wanting their old "comfy" pens back.
Change...even animals feel it, huh?
The days have cooled off quite a bit now, and we've had some pleasant 30's so I've been back out there fiddling about. I have about 20 week old ducklings at the moment and feel like I am living in a Kleenex ad...
Found your post on personality disorders very interesting and have spent most of the night in that site..Focus adolescent services. It is very good and I like their approach - fair, but skewed toward healthy recovery instead of meds.
You drive cabs, huh? Is that your amends for all the times you harrassed cab drivers in the good ol' days? The poor drivers...gotta be a nightmare working nights on the weekends, aye?
Time to hit the sack mate...Keep grinning and have a great day.