Meditation is not a way to enlightenment, nor is it a method of achieving anything at all. It is peace and blessedness itself. It is the actualization of wisdom, the ultimate truth of the oneness of all things. --Dogen Translated by Stephen Mitchell
Meditation need not be limited to time spent sitting with our eyes closed. We can practice a type of meditation simply in the way we live our lives each day.
Often, we think about our lives in terms of what we hope to accomplish, but in truth, we don't always have to aim at goals or results. Whatever we are engaged in doing throughout our day, we can cherish the experience of simply being alive and sensing our connection with everything else that is alive. We can remember our unity with others and with Spirit. When we stop focusing on a destination we are striving to reach and instead focus on the present moment in all its fullness, we experience aliveness without struggle and enjoy a deep sense of calm. Paradoxically, when we stop concentrating on effort and relax into being present, giving whatever we are doing all our attention, we find ourselves accomplishing our goals with greater ease.