Have you ever really questioned what's important to you in your life and what you're focusing on? When was the last time that you called a time-out, sat down, and really reflected on what your priorities were and where you were investing your energy, your emotion, and your passions? We get so busy that we sometimes confuse activity with productivity.
The truth is that we may not be doing anything but going around in circles. Spend some time thinking about whether you're working for what you want in your life or you're working for what you don't want in your life. Do you just react versus getting up and taking action towards thoughtfully selected goals and priorities? Take a few minutes to write down your Top 5 priorities and your Top 5 time investments. You might be surprised.
We are told to set goals and priorities, to work hard. This is all good, but I do a whole lot better when I let the day unfold. I find that my goals and priorities are just that most of the time and not gods. My will? Gods will? Things just seem to work out if I let them. Things happen in God's time not mine. Lately I haven't been doing a whole lot, and feel good. When I jump right in AND START PUSHING ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. Sometimes we work so hard to get the things we want, or build the position we want and it turns out to be the monster that's ready to eat us. KEEP IT SIMPLE . I remember my last job, it was going to be my final job, the end of my working career. My little plan didn't work again, just maybe God had a different plan????? YA THINK???? LIFE!!
Actually I have been asking myself those same questions,, ,, not easy,,, cuz I didn't know the answers anymore,, cuz some things are changing on me,,, and it made me want to drink,,, and so I asked God, "God, what? I don't know what to do now. What should I do?".... and I 'heard' an answer... He 'said', "just put one foot in front of the other as best you can". The last few weeks have been weeks of crisis for me,,, and just today I am seeing the light at the end of it,,, things I couldn't see the day before Christmas when I took that drink and did some research on why I drink and whether or not it helps (it doesn't). But those are important questions... what is the meaning and purpose and direction of my life? Just don't expect complete answers right away, and don't hold your breath until you get them.
love in recovery ,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
thank you, John, I'm going to use those principles today.
I got a new understanding of 'next right thing',,, I thought it meant next to right,,, but it could be the next thing that comes up do the rightest thing we can
love in recovery
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Yesterday I was planning a 9 am meeting. Anyway I played on the computer to long -- missed the meeting. Instead I picked up my grandson, took him and my 2 dogs out on the lake, where by brother and some friends were ice fishing. 4 wheeler wouldn't start--no big deal-- walk. Walked about 1 mile thru the snow to get there, like walking in 10 inches of sand. (work) I told my grandson he would have fun, he was unsure. There were 4 kids, and a dog out there, he was having fun. Anyway 1 of the boys was scared to death of my dogs, so I decided to walk back in and take them home. Of course my grandson didn't want to go, so I left him and told him I would take the dogs home and be back later. On the way I run into a man along the road with his truck hood up. I stop his battery was dead, I told him I would go home, get jumpers and be back. Got him going and went home, decided to have a coffee, got back online for a minute. Got warm and to comfortable, didn't want to go back on the ice. but had to anyway. Had a brain storm, get a 2 way radio out call my brother to bring Jordan back in. He didn't answer but some drunk did. I was calling for mark' he kept telling me mike was busy, had a fish on. Told me to quit calling!! He was calling me Gordan, Of course he couldn't get it thru his head I wasn't Gordan, so I gave up. Well it was time to walk-- AND I DIDN't WANT TO. Started to walk out , there was a lone snowmachine sitting out ahead of me, I thought maybe he was broke down. He waived me over, I walked his way to see, He asked where are u walking to? I replied the ice shanty out there. HE asked, how would u like a ride?? Why what a dumb question. I couldn't say yes fast enough. He took me out and a nother gave my grandson and I a ride back in. GO FIGURE--COULDN't WORK ANY BETTER ON MY BEST PLAN!! Just a thought