Resentment is anger that we do not want to turn over to our Higher Power. Sometimes, we want to keep our anger. Maybe we want to "get even". It's hard to be spiritual and full of anger at the same time. When we hold on to anger, it turns into self-will. ----April 4, Keep It Simple
We can get high on anger. That's why it's dangerous. We get a false sense of power from being angry. Our anger turns into resentments. Resentments turn into hate. Hate eats at our spiritual core.
We can get rid of resentments and hate through prayer and helping others. That's why we're to pray for those who have wronged us, so our hearts don't fill with hate. This way, we use our energy in a healthy way. And our serenity will grow as we see that anger no longer has so much power over our actions. -----June 16, Keep It Simple
If I'm going to enjoy serenity I really have to watch out for anger, and hold no resentments period. A resentment will eat u up!! Today I get along with everybody, some better than others, but hate no one. If someone starts to push my buttons, I RUN. IF U CAN LIMIT YOUR BATTLES, YOU CAN LIMIT YOUR ANGER AND HAVE NO RESENTMENTS. SOMETIMES IT'S BETTER TO FOREFIT THE BATTLE AND FEEL GOOD. IF SOMEONE WRONGS ME I HAVE TO ACCEPT IT AND MOVE ON. TURN IT OVER TO GOD AND DO THE NEXT RIGHT SOBER THING. I NEED TO GET OUT OF MYSELF TO FEEL SERENE AH ANYWAY THE PROGRAM WORKS IF U WORK IT
I concur. Yet I could sometimes be pretty agreeable when I was drinking. And when I was hungover I generally just wanted to hide. When I got sober I found I didn't know how to deal with all the buried resentments that I didn't even know I had. Thank God for the steps of AA. I don't know what I'd done with the resentments before I got sober. I just got drunk I guess. That's why putting the booze away was such a big step. Booze made life bearable (at least it seemed to do so early on before it boomeranged on me).
When I first came around I read those steps and I thought "that's great, but what the hell does this have to do with drinking?". Well ... it wasn't too long, maybe a month or two, before it started to become very apparent what the steps had to do with drinking .. living without a drink that is. They've really been a prescription for living a happy life for me. Of course I've wavered from time to time. It's been progress rather than perfection. But what a great way to live. I certainly would have never dreamed life without booze would be anything more than grudgingly bearable.
Thx to the post. And even after I was in AA for a few 24 hours, I still had resentments & denied I had them. Slwoly but surely, I'm able to deal with them. Sometimes the stubborn ones keep coming back but God helps me whittle down to size - all by His grace, the steps & the fellowship. Back to basics, K.I.S.S. works for me! Thx, Pat B