Just for those alkies who are curious and want to be prepared. I'm in a sleep testing program and this morning asked the question is sleep disturbance affected by alcoholism and the nod was affirmative, "even if the person has long term sobriety"? and the nod was affirmative. Guess what I'm gonna be doing for a while? Apnea is complex and I need to know. Just for those who might be as curious as I. Take what you like and leave the rest.
I went into one of those 'sleep' testing thingy's and was prescribed a CPAP machine ... (my apnea was severe) ... been on that thing for about 9/10 years now ... it was a challenge to get used to, but it's like second nature now ... it helps to relieve back pain and helps you get a better, deeper sleep ... it starts off as a 'pain in the a$$' but then it helps that pain after you get accustomed to it ... LOL ...
Love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I needed this feedback Pappy as you are telling my story. I was wondering why they wanted me to enter the sleep study and such and I didn't get it and it made me angry which I find out is one of the symptoms of Apnea also with the alcoholic. I raged as an alcoholic and recently relapsed into the behavior and the feedback from the Apnea study maybe giving me some insight. I am not convinced yet and somethings are meaningful...I am alcoholic (not drinking) and am retriggered to rage when things don't go my way which after inventory doesn't fit...just like it didn't when I first inventoried it. I don't know how much of the brain altering from alcohol remains. (((hugs)))
Back when I had the 'sleep study', my family had begged me to go get checked out ... I'd fall asleep on the couch while visiting my son and not only did I snore loudly, I gagged and then stopped breathing for up to a minute ... the 'study' confirmed this and so I was prescribed a CPAP machine ... I was not a 'happy camper' ... At first, I hated this thing ... and when I was asleep, I didn't know anything was wrong ...
Well, at the urging of my wife, I kept using the CPAP ... she said it was the only way she could get some sleep too ... (snoring disappeared) ... eventually, I got to feeling better with good sleep despite the aggravation of wearing that damn mask every nite ...
Good Luck and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Thanks...I think Pap. Your response reminds me that I am an emotional (negative) kinda drunk. I can use your response to help me do this better. I guess now I can use the "See Pappy" in a better way? and not be so oppositional definant. zzzzzzzz
I am allowed out in public if supervised and the police have overtime allowance....LOL They keep asking to see my attended meetings signed card...Stay sane brother.