If drink solved problems, I would have solved a lot of problems."
I seriously used to think that drinking helped me manage my problems and my life better. When I got too stressed to think straight, a drink or two would immediately relax me and enable me to think differently. In my creative life, I always wrote or drew much better after few drinks. And after a few more drinks, I sometimes had epiphanies that I was sure could change the world. Unfortunately, when I sobered up my problems were still there, plus some additional ones caused by my drinking.
When my sponsor told me I wasnt going to drink alcohol any more not even beer! I was shocked. But how was I going to make it through all my problems and stress, I wondered? And what about all those deep creative insights? As we talked through things, he helped me see that those creative moments I had while loaded those that I wrote down at least made almost no sense when I sobered up. Also, after inventories centered around my drinking, it was clear alcohol didnt solve any of my problems.
It took many years of journaling, many years of meetings and Step work, but today I know that I am much more creative and disciplined now that Im not drinking. Today, I dont just think of things, I do them. Ive also found that I handle my problems and stress so much better with a clear head and a Higher Power in my life. Plus, I create a lot less mayhem! Sobriety has given me the life that alcohol promised but never delivered.