Some people don't ... but they don't live too very long either ...
If we don't like our lives the way things are, we must change, else all remains the same ... No matter if you hate AA meetings and/or despise them, something has to change ... go to some meetings and look for the person you most identify with and trust, and get this person to sponsor you ... work the program and change your life ... 'you'll be amazed before you're halfway through' ...
Love ya man and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Tipsy how about a different honesty angle....use won't instead of can't. I tried the can't angle until I was led with the won't angle and I stopped....coming up on my anniversary of 2/879. last monster response I was given to being offered a drink was, "No thanks I've had enough". In support. (((hugs)))
I can now drink 26 ounces of vodka with hardly a stumble.
My increasing tolerance is starting to frighten me.
TipsyMcstagger wrote on 12/18/17:
I feel pain in my liver. It used to be only after drinking, but these days it's always kind of there. It still flares up worse after a binge, but it never completely goes away now.
Hey, it's great to see you're still kick'n around St. Pete ... I think everyone here has missed you ...
I just survived my 3rd round with cancer ... how's your situation??? ... any problems we need to keep in our prayers??? ... How's mountain life treating you??? Do'n any scuba diving at the ole St. Petersburg place???
Love ya man and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
"Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not completely give themselves to this simple program". - Usually beause they don't know what the problem is, or they don't know what the solution is.
I've been reading, and saw that you went through another round, glad that you made it.
I'm ok, blessed and lucky perhaps. Headed for the mountain tomorrow to open the place up.
You're welcome to join us anytime.
Love you brother, and thanks for the invite ... struggling to regain my strength, Doc sez it takes a year or more after last Chemo treatment to get back to normal, if at all ...
Been reading new book called 'The Plant Paradox' ... man, what an eye opener ... no wonder I got cancer ... you(and everyone else concerned about cancer) should read it ... it has most all the answers ... unlike alcoholism, cancer is curable without all that radiation and poison chemicals 'n stuff ... Wish I'd have found out sooner ...
I'll keep the mountain trip in mind and on the back burner for now ... (I only drive about once a week now, to the store or to one of the many Dr's) ...
Love ya man and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
TM long time no see. Is that an honest inquiry or a provocative post?
Sincere inquiry. I've quit smoking. I've quit boinking anything in a skirt. Quit driving drunk, picking fights, embarrassing myself publically, etc. I've managed to change my behaviour for the better in many ways...but I just can't give up the bottle. I can't seem to tolerate AA for longer than a few weeks and quitting on my own, well, we've seen how that shitshow plays out.