Hi š. I am recently 30 days clean and sober and am trying to tackle my 4th step. Up until 30+ days ago I drank beer everyday for over 20 years. My struggle is that when I try to take my moral inventory I canāt think of any resentments that would cause me to drink. I always figure my drinking was just what I always did.
Any help or insight would be much appreciated. Thank You
Sometimes people have a hard time with the resentments part of the 4 th step. I know that I did.It took me a long time to complete it, I finally was able to read the instructions clearly from the Big Book and the 12 & 12.
The instructions for step 4 call for making 5 lists:
Sex Conduct (selfish)
People we had hurt
Maybe working on listing the fears...and the faults ...and the persons harmed ....will help you with the resentments.
Excellent post by Pickle ... ... ... this requires some deep 'soul-searching' and 'total honesty' on our part ... I short changed myself the first few times and could never stay sober ... so spend some time in private and don't 'white-wash' your work ... be totally honest and thorough ... and work with your sponsor ...
Love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I drank "because I could" and so like you couldn't name resentments that would cause me to drink. "I was able and so I did" and I had resentments also which aided me in holding others responsible for all the other cruddy stuff I brought into my life. Not once have I held another responsible for my drinking not even my grandmother who gave me my first drink at the age of nine. It is not a moral issue...it is a disease, (((Hugs)))