My partner, Tracey, has 2 daughters. Zoe, 17, who lives with us and amy, 23, who lives with her partner and their 3 yo daughter.
I've been with Tracey since February 2015. In a that time, amy has kept her distance. So yeah, my granddaughter gave me a tin ofHenderson's relish crisps. I was stammering with glee. Her mum and dad, amy and Cammie, went one better with 4 bottles of Henderson relish. (You can't but it in this part of scotland, you have to import it from sheffield).
That alone was the most thoughtful gift ever. I was speechless. It's like being given lifeblood. The elixir of youth. The serum of immortality.
But best of all, absolutely the best of all, was amy came up to me in the kitchen and gave me a hug. A real tight squeeze. A real 'you're ok, welcome to the family' squeezy. Choked me up so it did. Ok she said that's it until next Christmas.
Don't care. That was the Best Gift Ever.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB