I have learned in the past year plus so much more than I thought I already had learned.
For example...
In AA... most all of the meetings I attended seemed to be very supportive.....the people friendly enough, and the atmosphere was one that welcomed other struggling alcoholics.
My first experiences.....
Then...I went through other experiences....
"How old are you?????"; "You're hot"; "Do you have a boyfriend?"; "Are you married?" "You look so great in that dress." ; "I love your eyes"; "You have a great figure." (WOMEN STICK WITH WOMEN!!!)
Want to get sober????? My adivise to you is to get over needing anyone's opinion about you...any evaluation about how you look is a huge clue phone. DOESN'T MATTER WTF they think about how you look.
What matters is how you feel about yourself. Wanta quit drinking? Do it for YOU! Want to impress someone else? DON'T! Do it all for YOU! Impress Yourself and your Higher Power! The minute--moment--you try to do it for anyone else's approval other than your own and your God's--YOU ARE IN TROUBLE! DO IT FOR YOU!
-- Edited by leavetherest on Monday 12th of December 2016 01:44:34 PM
Wonderful, inspirational post, Mystic Man. I hope that other women on here (as well as men) read your posting and learn from it. I had my chance at "giving it out" just to make me feel "special". I chose not to take up any man's offer to do so. I realized that they wanted less......I wanted more. Of the many things that I have done over my life, this is one of the things I am most proud of...I didn't feel the need to 'sell out' and 'sell myself short' just to feel attractive and desirable.... I wanted to respect myself and not feel ashamed of my behavior.