I have alcoholism, and if you are like me, it's a really bad idea to intentionally consume ANYTHING that has alcohol in it.
Doing so runs the risk of re-awakening the insane alcoholic cravings and the 'insanity of the first drink'.
And if I were taking Antabuse, that could all still happen, PLUS I would run the risk of getting extremely sick.
When I was new and had thoughts like this, about 'could I SOMEHOW consume SOME amount, or SOME form of alcohol, if I tried it THIS way, or under THESE circumstances' etc., it was because I did not yet fully understand "step one", and I was still trying to figure out how to successfully drink, instead of trying to learn how to successfully NOT drink, one day at a time.
NewDaniela, you've gotten some great responses ... Please pay attention to them and do the right thing ... let someone else have the chocolates and get you some without alcohol in them ,,,
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I had over a year of sobriety and accidentally ate a chocolate brandy cream at an office party. Before I even realized what I had eaten, I felt an immediate physiological change within. I was obsessed all day with the fact that alcohol had entered my body. That evening, I made my way to a liquor store and drank alcoholically for the next two years. Don't under-estimate the power of the poison!