to follow the input of my HP. 17 years ago one of my recovering AA sisters dropped by my office and asked me to come out to speak with her own sister. I was managing an auto dealership and she was in a jeep parked at the entrance. When I got to the Jeep a body form was on the passenger side slumped against the door obviously out of consciousness. She told me later she had no idea where she was or what was going on or about to go on. She would become another sister in AA and it was her own sister that brought her to the dealership. I felt hopeless and ricocheted back into my faithlessness. "This lady isn't going to make it" I thought and then entered the room of powerlessness. I turned her over and let her go never changing my mind or opinion.
My Higher Power takes exception at my personality of doubt and I get the question "Could you be wrong" over and over. My sponsor taught HP that question and of course the answer is obvious...Always.
She sat next to me this morning at my home group and one of her favorites also and cried quietly in gratitude. I was overwhelmed again being wrong for the last 17 years even as she and her sister have become with miracles the hard deep foundation of my own recovery. God has directed them in my recovery and I understand the reason for the very first meeting. It wasn't about her only and both of us as directed by our Higher Powers....He used us all as a group to carry out the battle against this fatal disease. HP wants us, all of us, sober to do AA's service of helping others to get and stay sober. I can be wrong and I am willing to be wrong.
When anyone anywhere reaches out for help I want the hand of AA to always be there and for that....I am responsible. Thanks for letting me share ((((hugs))))