It's a good start, and welcome. But there is more to step one than just saying I'm an alcoholic. Have you ever been to any AA meetings? If not, are you interested in going?
Yes I am interested in joining in person... I began researching this AM. I understand/agree that online chat is not 'enough' but it's a start. Thanks for the Welcome.
I agree,checking out a meeting is also highly suggested.STEP 1 is a 2 part STEP
The admission and acceptance that you are "Powerless"(the driving force in your life is out of control)
And Your life has become "unmanageable" (external) all can see.........internal(what you know inside)
Glad you showed up here,WE are here ,one helping another in a loving and caring manner. WE suggest making meetings,listening for a Sponsor and getting into the PROGRAM Solution.application of the Steps,worked with a sponsor and applied in all area of (your)our lives.
In support and prayer.Hope to hear more from you..... here is a LINK to help you find a meeting near you and see some of the makings of what a meeting is like,etc..
-- Edited by mikef on Saturday 3rd of September 2016 10:21:56 AM
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Welcome to MIP 'too many secrets', ... glad you're here ...
Step 1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol-that our lives had become unmanageable.
Admitting we cannot stop drink'n on our own is a BIG step toward recovery ... and yes, it's the 1st step ... it's a last ditch effort to save ourselves from ourselves ... Joining AA is the smartest thing I probably ever did in my life, else I would have been dead years ago ... alcoholism kills, and it ain't particular who it gets ...
We'll help answer your questions as best we can ... and you'd do good to listen to the wisdom that 'overflows' on this board ... good luck ...
Glad your here, God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
All, I am well aware of the kindness, love and genuine support that comes from AA. I also know I have 1000 miles ahead of me.
This first step feels good though. While helpless against this alone, I feel empowered by simply putting this 'stake in the ground'.
With Step 1, comes Day 1. Wish me luck... I will be here tomorrow hopeful that we are talking about Day 2 AND that I found the meetings that I want to attend (yes, I am goal oriented).
Hi tms, ... you're correct, you are not alone, ... many thousands have been where you are now ... and if the worst of us can do this, then so can you ...
Go to a meet'n, get some names and numbers from the folks there, and call them iffin you get squirrel y ...we, and they, know what it's like and are more than happy to help ... it's how most of us got through this ... and if you have any medical issues, go to a doctor ... drink plenty of juice and take a lot of vitamin B12 ... carry some sweets around with you to curb the craving for a drink ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Powerless = beyond human aid = step 1. Our terrible lives while drinking completes step 1. Admitting it is the cap on the jar.
I threw my will power at stopping drinking for 20 years. And each time I swore I would never drink again, then did, I consider that a relapse. I have about 15 years of daily relapses.
Jails, mental institutions, birth of children, suicide attempts, threats, my will power, broken homes, promises, switching to drugs, deaths of family members that were alcoholic, etc - you get the point, nothing could stop me from getting drunk. Once I was beat into submission by the bottle only then was I ready for what AA has to offer.
Very glad to hear you're going to check out some meetings. You're likely to have lots of questions about the meetings and about AA in general, both before and after you start going to meetings, so feel free to ask whatever you want to ask here. I do have a few tips, based on my own experience when I was newly sober and first started going to AA meetings.
Get there a bit early. It's more comfortable than walking in late. And when you get there, you can talk to a few people there and let them know you are new to AA, and they will be glad to help you. Get some AA literature at the meeting, especially the AA "Big Book" and a meeting schedule for your area. Ask some folks what other meetings they go to that they might recommend, and then when you go there you'll already be seeing some familiar faces.
Make a plan to go to a LOT of meetings, especially when you're new, like a meeting a day. Before you leave that first meeting, have a plan in place and know where your NEXT meeting is.
After the meeting, resist the temptation to bolt out the door, and stick around for a while. If you heard someone say something during the meeting that made an impression on you, introduce yourself after the meeting and thank them for what they said and tell them you are new. Again, they'll be glad to help out.
At some meetings, people tend to get together afterward to go get a bite to eat and hang out in a sort of informal 'meeting after the meeting'. If the folks at some of your meetings do that, go with them. It's a good way to start getting to know other sober people and begin building a network of new sober friends.
Get phone numbers from other people. If you are having a tough time staying sober between meetings, pick up the phone and call someone. They will be glad to help because other people helped them when they were new, and that's just how we do it in AA - one alcoholic helping another.
And be sure to come back here and let us know how your first meeting went!
All, Again - Thanks for the kind words and Thoughts... The good news is that it is Day 2 (not starting over at 1) the bad news is there is no meeting today as I am addicted to golf even more than alcohol (prolly not... but it sounds good and it's the holiday). I have 2 sober friends that golf it is not a recipe for disaster.
Life slows down when you're sober. I enjoyed that. My effing to-do list is out of control though.
I know that 'dipping my toe in' like this is not enough BUT it is my start. Don't give up on me.
One Day at a Time is what it takes, it's how we managed to get and stay sober ... SO ... however 'good', or 'bad' things get today, just don't drink ... just don't drink for this one day ... then, if we see a tomorrow, start over ... ... ... The psychological aspect here is to not even think of 'I can never drink again', but I can easily go one day without a freak'n drink ... Try it, it works ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
"One Day at a Time is what it takes, it's how we managed to get and stay sober"
Pappy? Please do not lump all of us into the "one day at a time" crowd. I personally do not wish to be in that club. The slogan has never ever helped me stay sober. Thanks big guy.
I didn't intend to hit a nerve there ... but after 8 years, I still vividly remember think'n 'I can't do this' ... how the hell, after my heavy drink'n pattern, all these years, can I possibly stop drink'n forever ... it was just such a big issue for me ... but when I was asked if I could go just one frick'n day without a drink???, ... I thought, oh yea, I can do that ... so ... I've managed to go a few years now with that thought always in the back of my mind ... I think, well maybe, just maybe, I'll drink tomorrow, just not today ...
-- Edited by Pythonpappy on Sunday 4th of September 2016 10:17:05 PM
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I agree, this is one slogan I never get tired of hearing ...
Hey, I was stationed at Lowry AFB in Denver for four years ... (it's where I had my first drink) ... it only took 3 or 4 of those, what was it? 3.2 beers? ... to get me drunk, LOL ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'