When we really understand the fact of separate realities, we will stop spending so much time and energy trying to change the reality of others. --Jane Nelsen
What makes us want to control others, not just their actions but their opinions too? Do our personal views need the validation of everyone for us to feel adequate?
Coming to believe that we all have valid perspectives on every experience is akin to coming to believe that there is a Higher Power in charge of our lives. It takes willingness to suspend our assumptions and adopt the principles of this program.
It's liberating, even exhilarating, to realize that we all see situations a bit differently. It's like going from a black-and-white picture to Technicolor. Our experiences are enriched as we view them with new attitudes.
How I see my experiences today is up to me; how my friends see theirs is up to them. My view may complement theirs, but it's mine, solely.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
There are really only two ways to approach life - as victim or as gallant fighter - and you must decide if you want to act or react, deal your own cards or play with a stacked deck. And if you don't decide which way to play with life, it always plays with you. --Merle Shain
Being the victim is, or was, uncomfortably familiar to many of us. Perhaps some of us are only now realizing we have choices, that we need not let life happen to us. Becoming responsible to ourselves, choosing behavior, beliefs, friends, activities, that please us, though unfamiliar at first, soon exhilarates us. The more choices we make, the more alive we feel. The more alive we feel, the healthier our choices.
Our aim is recovery. Recovering means participating fully in our lives. It means self-assessment and self-direction. It means trusting to move forward, step-by-step, choice-by-choice, knowing all the while that no thoughtful action can trouble us.
Many opportunities to make choices will present themselves today. The choices I make will satisfy me; they will move me toward my goal of recovery.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Fair play is primarily not blaming others for anything that is wrong with us. --Eric Hoffer
As adults, we accept responsibility for our feelings and our circumstances. We haven't chosen our own troubles, but we have the job of dealing with them. If a man falls and breaks a leg, he might say to someone, "It's your fault, and I'll make you pay for this!" But that won't fix his leg. The healing still has to come from within.
Our impulse to blame others is an attempt to escape our responsibilities. We become overcritical. We want someone else to take the rap for our pain and our misdeeds, but this only delays our wholeness. There is no point in blaming ourselves either. When we first confront our discomfort directly and accept responsibility for dealing with it, we feel an inner urge to escape again. If we stay with the discomfort a while, a new stage begins -- the healing and acceptance stage. A feeling of wholeness comes, a feeling of being a real person, of having reached our full size.
May I not indulge in blame today - toward myself or anyone else. Instead, may I be strong and responsible.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone. . . --Ida Scott Taylor
It's not always easy to understand that the day stretching before us is all that counts. Daydreaming about the party last week, or getting upset all over again about a fight we had yesterday with a friend doesn't help us right now. When our minds are on the past, we miss out on the conversation or the activity that is going on around us.
Every moment of the day is special and guaranteed to help us grow and understand life. All of us have been taught to pay attention in school or when others talk to us. But we should also pay attention to the birds, the sky, even the grass. And we can learn a lot by paying attention to the conversations going on around us and to the small voice inside us that helps us know right from wrong.
What's going on today is enough to pay attention to.
Am I ready to pay attention to what is around me today?
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught. -- Winston Churchill
We are used to learning the hard way. Many of us think we're different and can do things our own way. But then we get in too much trouble or pain. The first A.A. members were just like us. They knew how it was to hate being told what to do. So they suggested we follow the Twelve Steps. They didn't say we have to do anything. They didn't say working the Steps is the only way to live sober. They just said the Steps worked for them.
We're finding out that the Steps work for us too. We don't have to work them. We don't have to stay sober. We just like our new sober life better than our old drinking or drugging life. And we're learning how to live this new life by working the Steps.
Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, help me be open to your lessons. Teach me gently and help me listen.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Some of us are crazy about self-help books, inspirational tapes, and personal improvement seminars. We'll buy or sign up for anything, whatever the price, if it promises revolutionary insights or a foolproof new system. We want relief in a day and deliverance in a weekend. And we want the expert of the hour to do it for us.
There's nothing wrong with wishing, of course. But there's a lot wrong with kidding ourselves as a way of life. Think about it: If progress could be bought, we wouldn't need to be meditating. If personal transformation resulted from collecting new ideas, we'd have been transformed long ago. Exploring is great. And looking for all the inspiration and wisdom we can find is necessary for growth. But changing is doing. All the plans and schemes for improvement put together won't change a thing if we don't put the principles into daily practice. Even catchy words are just words.
Today, I will take the best plan I have and put it into action. Today, I will say less and do more.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
The persistent human cry is, "Hold me tight." --Donald Joy
We need to be loved. We need to be held tight, and we need to hold others tight. Many of us are scared, and for good reason. During our using years, we held tight to addiction, but this attachment created serious wounds.
In recovery, first we let go of old behaviors, attitudes, and ideas. Then we grab hold - and hold tight - to the Steps, our sponsor, the fellowship, and the principles of the program. The tighter we attach to recovery, the quicker its care and love become part of our being. The tighter we hold, the deeper the values of recovery get planted into our minds, hearts, and souls.
It is, then, our job to hold on tight and allow the safety of recovery to hold us tight. We need to go to meetings, call our sponsor, read, pray, and meditate regularly, allowing the care found in the Third Step to grab hold of us and heal our wounds.
Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, I need Your love. Please hold me tight, especially when I'm scared or when I'm angry. Hold me until I can feel your love.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
That the birds of worry and care fly about your head This you cannot change But that they build nests in your hair This you can prevent. -- Chinese Proverb
Worry can light on our shoulders or sink its teeth into our flesh. Worry can become such a habit that it may actually take over most of our waking and dreaming hours. Worry can break down our immune system and weaken our natural ability to fight illness.
For some people, worry is a full-time job and life companion. How much do each of us worry each day? This is a good question to ask when we are ready to get serious about changing our worry habits.
Once we have identified how and when we worry, we are ready to reverse the pattern. Progress, not perfection, is the key in changing our worry habits. With an open mind and willing heart we have the power to change our habit of worry into one of trust. We know as we make this change that our Higher Power is truly at work in our lives.
Today let me begin to replace my worry with trust and faith in my ability to use my resources to face whatever life brings me.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
We used to take a negative view of almost everything. There seemed to be very little good in the world, but lots of hypocrisy and sham. People could not be trusted. Those were our general attitudes toward life. Now we are more positive. We believe in people and in their capabilities. There is much love and truth and honesty in the world. Am I less negative and more positive?
Meditation for the Day
I think of God as a Great Friend and try to realize the wonder of that friendship. When I give God not only worship, obedience, and allegiance, but also close companionship, then God becomes my friend, even as I am God's. I can feel we are working together. My prayers become more real to me when I feel that God counts on my friendship and I count on God's.
Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may think of God as my friend.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Have you ever played tug-of-war with a puppy and an old sock or a toy? He pulls. You pull it out of his mouth. He grabs hold again and shakes and shakes and says grrrrrr. The harder you tug, the harder the puppy tugs. Finally, you just let go. Then he comes right back again for more.
I have never successfully treated or solved one problem in my life by obsessing or controlling. I've yet to accomplish anything by worrying. And manipulation has not wrought one successful outcome. But I forget that from time to time.
The best possible outcomes happen when I let go. That doesn't mean I always get my way. But things work out and, ultimately, the lesson becomes clear. If we want to play tug-of-war, we can, but it's not an efficient problem-solving skill.
God, help me surrender to Your will.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
If you wish to make an apple pie truly from scratch, you must first invent the universe. --Carl Sagan
Everything is given to us. Our lives came forth with no plan on our part. We have no lease on life and no control, ultimately, over any possession. In the addictive and codependent families most of us came from, we learned something else. We learned a lonely arrogance that said, "I should be self sufficient. I have earned everything that ever came to me." Deep down we probably knew how untrue that was, and we felt great self doubt.
The cure we learn in this program for our lonely arrogance is a miracle and a blessing. We accept that we are part of a larger whole. Now it dawns on us - all of our friends and relatives share this basic powerlessness. We are all pilgrims. We are all guests. We are all stewards of creation. We can be close, and we must help one another because everyone is equally vulnerable.
I am grateful to my Higher Power today for the life which has been given me. I pray for greater understanding of my responsibilities.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. --Matthew 6:34
To worry about something ahead of time is a waste of time and energy that could be better spent on living a full life today.
For instance, if we spend hours today worrying about an important test at school tomorrow, we can't very well concentrate on studying. And if we lie awake tonight agonizing over what we don't know or haven't studied, we're going to be exhausted tomorrow when we take the test.
Wouldn't it be much better to focus on doing all we can today to prepare for the test, and then, knowing we've done our best, let go of it tonight and get a good night's sleep? In fact, if we do that every day of the year, when a big test comes along, we'll know we're as ready as we can be, and won't have a thing to worry about. What a relief it is to know we've done our best today and every day.
What can I do well today so I won't worry about it tomorrow?
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
The answer to personality problems is found in a quiet return to Godlike thinking. --Science of Mind magazine
When we're edgy and critical or perhaps feeling inadequate or depressed, we've lost our attunement with God. And when acting the way God would have us act is no longer our priority, our character defects once again emerge and, in time, grow ever more numerous.
We can make the simple decision to always check out our proposed behavior against the behavior we know is from God. When we remember to think of God first before proceeding, we avoid unnecessary conflicts; we refrain from consciously hurting anyone; we manage to take our experiences restfully, moment by moment.
There's really no mystery to having a rewarding and peaceful life. Those we notice who do have likely made a more frequent companion of God than we. The decision to work more on our own friendship with God is an easy one to make.
I will act according to God's wishes today and, in the process, strengthen our friendship.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Believing that we deserve better is the first step.
Some people say there is magic in believing. Our expectations are powerful; they are self-fulfilling, in fact. And if our expectations are generally negative, we'll find the circumstances of our lives pretty dismal too.
The good news is that when we expect better experiences, we'll also find them. How does this work? Surely it requires more than just believing. But it really doesn't. When we look for the good in every situation, we quite selectively see it. Making the choice to live this way means we'll regularly see opportunities for opening doors to better lives.
The formula is simple: Our Higher Power's plan for our lives is always for our benefit. Some part of that plan may be difficult to bear at first, but when we remember to believe that it is a positive opportunity, we'll feel its potential for changing our lives.
I will monitor what I believe about every experience I have today. Looking for opportunities will help me see them.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Our work brings people face to face with love. --Mother Teresa
Whether we are sowing a garden, tending the sick, role modeling for children, or climbing the corporate ladder, many opportunities are present for acting from a posture of love. Love is an attitude, one born from gratitude for all we have, all we are, and all we hope to be. We cultivate a loving outlook just as surely as we cultivate gardens and friendships.
The guilt or shame we sometimes feel prompts us to remember those moments when we were faced with the choice to love but failed to love - those times we barked answers, scowled at someone special, slammed drawers and doors. Fortunately, we need not be perfect. Each moment promises us a new opportunity to choose love as our response to the many people and the changing events in our lives.
Some decisions can be made once for all time. Using seat belts is such a decision. So is offering love to the world that greets us.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Surrender to the pain. Then learn to surrender to the good. It's there and more is on the way. --Beyond Codependency
Our goal in recovery is to make ourselves feel comfortable, peaceful, content, happy. We want to be at peace with ourselves and our environment. Sometimes, to do that, we need to be willing to face, feel, and get through discomfort.
I am not talking about being addicted to misery and pain. I am not talking about creating unnecessary pain. I'm talking about the legitimate discomfort we sometimes need to feel as we heal.
When we have surgery, the pain hurts most the day after the operation. When we do the kind of work we are facing in recovery, we are doing an emotional, mental, and spiritual surgery on ourselves. We're removing parts of us that are infected and inflamed.
Sometimes the process hurts. We are strong enough to survive discomfort and temporary feelings of emotional pain. Once we are willing to face and feel our discomfort and pain, we are almost to the point of release.
Today, I am willing to face my discomfort, trusting that healing and release are on the other side. Help me, God, be open to feeling whatever I need to feel to be healed and healthy. While I am doing this, I will trust I am cared for and protected by myself, my friends, my Higher Power, and the Universe.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Every great mistake has a halfway moment, a split second when it can be recalled and perhaps remedied. --Pearl S. Buck
We make mistakes because we are human, we are imperfect, we are frequently out of touch with the rhythms of the moment. When our minds are one place, either still trapped by the past or in limbo due to fear of the future, we fail to revere the experience of the present. And only when we salute completely the moment do we respond accurately to its meaning.
Seldom is a mistake as important as we allow it to be. Always we can rechart our steps; never is a task completed without some modifications along the way. Perhaps we'd do well to consider all mistakes as simply modifications in the original plans. Corrections triggered by mistakes may well be responsible for better outcomes. In fact, mistakes may be part of the process necessary to keep our spiritual program focused. Their role in our lives may be of greater significance than we'd ever imagined. However, we shouldn't dwell on the mistake but, rather, on the remedy.
Today I'll have to modify my steps, probably a few times. And that's to be expected.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
The power of a man's virtue should not be measured by his special efforts, but by his ordinary doing. --Blaise Pascal
The airplane kit is on the table in front of us. We have the glue, the little wooden pieces, and the instructions. We work for hours putting together each piece, step by step. A dab of glue here, a clamp there, maybe some rubber bands to hold the bigger pieces together. We work slowly, allowing the glue to set overnight, even though we want to see it fly right now. We follow each step in order, even though we think we know how to do it on our own. Patience is the most important asset we bring to this activity - the willingness to allow each step its own time and proper place.
After we've done all the careful work and waited till the glue is firm, we take it out for a trial flight. It soars!
So do we, when we allow ourselves time to learn each step of the way.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Now that I am in The Program, I am no longer enslaved by alcohol and other drugs. Free, free at last from the morning-after tremors, the dry heaves, the three-day beard, the misplaced eyelashes. Free, free at last from working out the alibis and hoping they won't unravel; free from blackouts, free from watching the clock so that I can somehow get that desperately needed "first one." Do I treasure my freedom from chemical enslavement?
Today I Pray
Praise God that I am free of chemicals. This is my first freedom, from which other freedoms will develop - freedom to appraise my behavior sanely and constructively, freedom to grow as a person, freedom to maintain relationships with others on a sound basis. I will never cease to thank my Higher Power for leading me away from my enslavement.
Today I Will Remember
Praise God for my freedom.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
In me there is darkness. But with you there is light. --Dietrich Bonhoeffer
A speaker at a meeting said, "To continue something when I'm making mistakes takes emotional courage." She was talking about making a decision to turn her will and life over to her Higher Power, and how it works in her life. To keep turning our wills and our lives over to God's care moves us into unknown territory. We will make mistakes, which is why we need God's care as we experience it in the Third Step.
It's hard to keep going after we stumble, especially when we keep stumbling over and over again. With abstinence comes the clarity and awareness to look honestly at ourselves and our mistakes. We want to stop making them. We want to be perfect. We're impatient to change. But change doesn't work that way. Instead, a caring God cushions us when we fall, loves us without conditions, and gives us everything we need. If God can forgive us when we make a mistake, how can we not do the same?
If I fall today, I will fall into the arms of my Higher Power. And then I'll get up again.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Inertia is a powerful force. So is compulsive behavior.
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results," writer Earnie Larsen has said for years. I think it goes one step further. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over because we can't find the button that says, "Stop."
"My mom was dying," a woman said. "I went to live with her, take care of her. We had our issues, like most mothers and daughters. But I love my mom, and this was the end of her life.
"She had a studio apartment. We both lived in that one room. I had to get out of there once in a while. Whenever I returned from being out, I knew what to expect. My mom would slam me with sarcastic remarks. She'd say things like, 'It's nice to know that I'm not as important to you as your friends.'
"My mom had used sarcasm to cover her emotions all my life. I had tried to explain this to her, and how I felt when she was sarcastic with me. She either didn't get it, or she didn't want to change.
"I had to keep taking breaks. I couldn't be there twenty-four hours a day. But I'd cringe when I came home, dreading her caustic remarks. One night, I tiptoed in. I was praying to God that Mom would be asleep. She wasn't. She was lying there waiting for me to walk through the door.
"I took off my coat, said I had a nice night and asked her how she was doing. 'I'm glad you had a good time,' Mom said. 'But I feel really sad and scared when I'm alone. And I feel better now that you're here.'
"I couldn't believe what I heard. Don't tell me it's too late to do things differently. My mom made a choice and took the action to change in the last week of her life."
Putting values into action in our lives takes courage and hard work. Sometimes the little steps we take mean a lot.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
The sufferings of love should ennoble, not degrade. --George Sand
Only in the imagination does love promise happiness forever. Through experience we discover the myriad dimensions of love. Sometimes love is joy. Sometimes passion. Sometimes moments of serenity amongst the laughter and sadness. Generally love is soft. But it also may sting. Love is forever changing.
All that love is, there's much it is not. Love is not shaming. Nor is it punishing. Love does not gloat, criticize, degrade, or diminish. At times we think we're filled with love and yet we selfishly serve our needs before another's. And when we truly express our love to another, there's no mistaking the warm glow that fills the body.
How simple to be a giver of love and yet how forgetful we are when the opportunities arise.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
. . . concern should drive us into action and not into depression. --Karen Horney
If a situation in our lives causes concern, be it mild disgruntlement or serious frustration, we should understand that our concern indicates that we need to act responsibly. Events that attract our attention need our action.
Our actions can take many forms. Occasionally we will be called upon to take charge of a situation. More often, offering emotional support to another is all that's needed. Perhaps most frequently, our prayers are enough.
There is always a proper response to any circumstance that causes us concern. If we choose no response, our inaction will only heighten our concern and preoccupation will hinder the day's activities.
My actions today should reflect my concerns and be appropriate to the need.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Forewarned, forearmed; being prepared is half the victory. --Miguel de Cervantes
There will be hard times in our program. There will be hard times in our life. That's the way life is. It helps if we accept this. Then we can prepare for tough times. We can prepare by getting a good set of habits and sticking to them. We can make it a habit to give time to our program each day.
Sticking to good habits is like having a savings account: when hard times come, we can take the "investment" we've made and overcome our problems.
Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, help me accept that there will be hard times. Help me prepare for them. With Your help, I'll stay close to You, my friends, and the program.
Action for the Day
I'll put something into my program "savings account" today. I'll make that extra call. I'll read a little longer or go to an extra meeting.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
It may be those who do most, dream most. --Stephen Leacock
Where would we be without the dreamers of the world - the ones who took the time to balance on the edge of wonder? Amazing connections, powerful images, and creative ideas come to us in daydreams. They creep in when we least expect them, like sleek cats, and then make their presence known to us with a gentle pounce.
When we give ourselves permission to daydream - to sit for a while and do nothing but be quiet with our thoughts, we give ourselves a precious gift. And who knows, we just might be giving the world a priceless gift, too! Out of the seeds of some of our dreams, great ideas will blossom.
What first step can I take today to make a dream come true?
For me? ... this is called 'meditation' ...
-- Edited by Pythonpappy on Monday 26th of September 2016 09:56:09 AM
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Iron rusts from disuse, water loses its purity from stagnation ... even so does inaction sap the vigors of the mind. --Leonardo da Vinci
After a long day of working or doing errands, we may want to sit and not do a thing. But although our bodies may be physically tired, our minds may be just the opposite.
If we're plagued by tired, cranky thoughts after a day's activity, we might discover our minds are too hooked into our feelings. We can separate the mind from the body and learn to chase away stinking thinking. We might treat our tired bodies to a bath while we treat our minds to a good book. While we're soaking our feet or resting in an easy chair, we can put on some music. Or we can put aside the hectic pace of the day and throw our creative energies into preparing a new recipe.
There are countless ways to wake up our minds even if our bodies are tired. Instead of collapsing in front of the television or eating junk food, we can change our focus. We can tune out the signals of the day and turn on our minds.
Did I exercise my mind tonight?
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
. . . concern should drive us into action and not into depression. --Karen Horney
If a situation in our lives causes concern, be it mild disgruntlement or serious frustration, we should understand that our concern indicates that we need to act, responsibly. Events that attract our attention need our action.
Our actions can take many forms. Occasionally we will be called upon to take charge of a situation. More often, offering emotional support to another is all that's needed. Perhaps most frequently, our prayers are enough.
There is always a proper response to any circumstance that causes us concern. If we choose no response, our in-action will only heighten our concern. And preoccupation will hinder the day's activities.
My actions today should reflect my concerns and be appropriate to the need.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
She had trouble defining herself independently of her husband, tried to talk to him about it, but he said nonsense, he had no trouble defining her at all. --Cynthia Propper Seton
To recover means to learn who we are, independent of friends, children, parents, or intimate partners. It means knowing how we want to spend our time, what books we like to read, what hobbies interest us, what our favorite foods are. It means understanding self-direction. It means charting a daily personal course and staying on it. It means defining our responsibilities and carrying them out.
Having an independent identity does not preclude depending on others for certain needs. Perhaps we revel in massage - both getting and giving. Maybe we share the expenses of a household or the responsibilities of raising children. Depending on others to meet their responsibilities does not negate our independent identity; it strengthens it. We choose where and when to be dependent. Healthy dependency complements healthy independence.
Recovery is giving me options. Each day gives me new opportunities.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Many of us face seemingly insurmountable difficulties, perhaps because of our compulsion or simply through misfortune. Whatever the scale of our problems, "One day at a time" and "First things first" are keys to handling them.
Today, we can deal only with today's problems. One of today's problems, of course, may be worrying about the future. A good method of handling that problem is to turn concern about it over to our Higher Power.
But when we do have work that clearly should be done today, we must carry through with it. It's neither reasonable nor sensible to put off things that we can and should do today.
There are certain tasks and responsibilities that must be dealt with today. I will not put them off.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'