"Behaviors are like tennis rackets; if yours is broken,
get a new one.
A woman at a meeting shared that behaviors are like tennis rackets. While a tennis racket works for a while - years even - eventually the strings wear out, the grip comes apart, and after a while you have to get a new one. She said that for years she was using rackets of behavior long after they had stopped working. It was only after she 'got a new racket' that her life improved.
When I was new to recovery, I had a lot of old, worn out rackets, too. What I didn't realize was that the reason my life wasn't working was because I kept trying to use them to achieve different results. When I spoke with my sponsor about it, he told me that unless I worked the steps and changed the way I thought and acted, the results in my life would stay the same.
Today, I'm much better at recognizing my old rackets of behaviors, and, thankfully, I'm more willing to try something different. Today when areas of my life aren't working I know to look at my behavior, talk to someone in the program and pray for guidance. Today when my racket isn't working, I'm quick to get a new one.
Today I know that I can't win if I continue to play with an old racket.
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Copyright @ 2016 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'