I remember sitting in meeting after meeting hearing people describe what their concept of God was. The one that resonated with me the most wasn't a God who caused or allowed good or bad things to happen, or judged or rewarded behavior, but rather the concept of a peaceful river. Someone told of their God who's love and peace flowed like a river and that the river was always there, always available to them. It was a constant source of serenity, understanding and forgiveness.
She then shared that whenever she was feeling scared or agitated or discontented, it was a sure sign that she had wandered away from the river of God. The further she strayed, the worse she felt. Sometimes she would travel for days and would find herself lost, seemingly alone and quite afraid.
During those times she needed only to stop and listen for the distant sound of the river. Immediately she would make her way back, and as she got closer, the familiar feeling of calm, peace and comfort would return. Once she was back at the river's edge, serenity returned and she was filled with gratitude knowing that God's grace and love was always available to her. For me, the presence of God is like this river.
And I know if I'm feeling far away from God, I'm the one who has moved.
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Copyright @ 2016 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'