It took me a long time to learn that my head isn't my friend. For years I heard it was best to run my thinking by others, but I secretly never believed it. My head would always convince me it had a better idea, and time and time again I followed its advice. It almost always turned out bad.
After many more bottoms, I finally became willing to check in more with others. It was hard at first because I was sure I wouldn't like what I heard, but once again contrary action saved the day. After listening to and following others suggestions, my life actually began to get better.
What's so interesting is that today, even with years of experience doing this, my head still tries to convince me to follow its advice. I know better than to listen to it (most of the time), and I will forever be grateful for my sober experience and the loving support of the fellowship.
Today, though, I still know the three most dangerous words for me are: "I've been thinking."
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Copyright @ 2016 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'