"My sanity today is directly proportional to my honesty."
Before recovery it was hard to keep my story straight. As my drinking and using increased, my omissions turned into half-truths, and these turned into little white lies. After a while I couldn't recognize the truth anymore and as I became disconnected from people and myself, my very reality changed and my sanity disappeared.
As I began to get sober, I started in on the overwhelming task of unraveling the massive knot of lies, stories and deceptive behavior I had engaged in. I felt shame, anger, and remorse as I painfully made my way back to the true self that had been buried beneath the disease of alcoholism.
The road back to sanity began with the words "rigorous honesty." Although seemingly straight forward, the challenge I had was in coming to believe that of myself I was enough, and that if I spoke my truth I would be accepted. The miracle is that the truth actually did set me free, and today the more honest I am, the more peaceful and serene I become.
Today, my sanity truly is directly proportional to my honesty.
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Copyright @ 2016 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'