Alcoholism is me, but it is also just a part of me, and a part on my life's journey.
Though I practice the principles in all of my affairs, I also practice other principles as well.
I am grateful that I am an alcoholic, because its recovery lessons has enriched the rest of my life experiences.
To die sober is my daily goal. I would hate to thick I passed through this life ending up as a drunk again.
Whenever my friends talk about past lives, more than often they claim to be some famous person of long ago.
When they ask me about my past life, I say, "The only thing that comes to mind is a drunk that could never make it sober".
So I hate to think that I might die as a drunk, because I might have to try all over again to see if I can get it right.
"... unless this person can experience an entire psychic change there is very little hope of recovery." Dr. Silkworth. (Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd Ed. p.xxix)